Don't go to Scotlandshire - it's 5hite

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Being pretty much a flatlander, I'm having trouble understanding something here. Are mountains supposed to have amenities? I took a group on a hike in the wilderness near me one time, many years ago, and never heard anything about the lack of restrooms and restaurants. Although I would,if I took Mrs. GA along.


Actually I'm coming to Scotland this summer (that's what us Englanders call the months of June to August as I don't think it's a word you really have).

We have a cottage booked near Arisaig. Quick couple of questions

1. Do the shops sell food or is it just alcohol?
2. If I turn up with money, will it just annoy the locals?
3. Are there any places to go where we won't just see people in string vest swearing and fighting ?

I have contacted the Foreign Office for travel advice and am waiting to hear.

Actually I can't wait to go and love it up there.'ll probably find the "locals" are ex pats from Englandshire anyway ^_^....

Tin Pot

It's all relative.

If you come from a place where scenery is dramatic everyday, say Canada, NZ, I'd guess your not going to be as impressed as this Londoner.

Similarly if every visitor site is dressed up with what I would see as gaudy ripoff shops and bars, a la USA, then a plain old bridge is gonna seem just that.


Legendary Member
It's definitely 5hite up here. I had a little recovery tootle on my hybrid this morning and was forced to look at this.

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