Don't go to Scotlandshire - it's 5hite

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Legendary Member
I put my house up for sale after reading what a horrible place I live in............just joking, love it here. :laugh:
It is a spelling mistake .... It is the Brig 'o Doon and it is in Ayr


Famous for the ride of Tam o' Shanter

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I remember walking up Snowdon, and got to the Cafe... to find that a large Company was having a sponsored walk

To receive the walkers were a half dozen skimpily dressed cheerleaders

Problem was that apparently they had missed the correct train down and would have to walk!

Rain, mist, skimpy outfits and strappy sandals.... not an ideal solution

After a sit in strike they were allowed on the train!

The train I was on was pretty packed but one of them could have sat on my knee.
Actually I'm coming to Scotland this summer (that's what us Englanders call the months of June to August as I don't think it's a word you really have).

We have a cottage booked near Arisaig. Quick couple of questions

1. Do the shops sell food or is it just alcohol?
2. If I turn up with money, will it just annoy the locals?
3. Are there any places to go where we won't just see people in string vest swearing and fighting ?

I have contacted the Foreign Office for travel advice and am waiting to hear.

Actually I can't wait to go and love it up there.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!

"When we did get to the top... There was nothing there!"... And what exactly were you expecting? It's a farking mountain, not a resort.

It's an expectation thing.

Feb 2002: just finished solo winter ascent of Tower Ridge and heading down by the zig-zags still wearing crampons. About 100m above the snowline I met a party of young Canadians slithering about wearing trainers and greatcoats. They were in difficulty already and were way off the summit with dusk not far away. They asked the usual 'how far to go' question of people who either have no map (they didn't) or have one and can't read it.

And then they asked 'is the hut open?'. On further questioning they thought that there was a hut on the summit serving 'tea'. I explained that the hut on the summit was simply a raised shelter for those in real trouble on the mountain.

Cue: looks of massive disappointment.


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Only one good thing about motherwell....
Mind you, if all the numpties on there don't visit again, it makes it much nicer for everyone else.

Maybe Skara Brae (which is a brilliant place to walk round) should be completely fenced off, like a stretch of river I found years ago going through a park, with huge warning signs about water and danger of drowining........if people are that stupid Darwin's rule should prevail :okay:


Written in the comments in a hotel guestbook in a small Village in France, "Terrible place no one spoke English and on our journey to Disneyland a Supermarket!":blink:


Legendary Member
I think I may once have had thoughts similar to that of some of these reviewers:sad:.
I was visiting a castle in Wales some years ago and found myself in a big room full of paintings which may well have been of historical significance locally but meant absolutely nothing to me. There was an open door in the room into a workshop which looked interesting. I looked in for just a few seconds, but that was a lot more seconds than I had devoted to any of the paintings on the wall.
I hadn't realised I was being watched until I heard the sarcastic comment of a security person/guide. Oh dear:sad:.


Somerset UK
Not every reviewer on Trip Advisor is moronic, just a substantial majority!

It's a horrible thought though, a mountain that's steep to climb with nothing at the top. I'd have thought by the 21st century we could have done better than that (see above - just like the Welsh have...).

Surely until this is properly fixed there should be a helicopter to the top with an on-board bar and restaurant made available?


I've experienced a number of 'visitor attractions' in the past that, quite frankly, I wish I'd not bothered with. It's a mug's game being a tourist sometimes. So I tend not to bother these days.

On the other hand, i've pitched up alongside a lake or river and the world's a wonderful place. Different strokes etc.
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