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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Updated statement from the horse rider (extract):
"Damaging incident
My horse was on the defence with every cyclist he met from then on after the hit and didn't calm until we got away from cyclists on that road. I strongly hope there are no long term effects associated with cyclists coming up behind him from now on. I have had amazing support from the cyclist and triathlete community - so much so that some have offered to do some desensitisation work with my horse if he has picked up a new fear of cyclists. I want to pass my deepest and sincerest gratitude and respects to everyone involved in this sporting community for their support and consideration. I realise it is a few select individuals and not in any way a reflection of the majority of cyclists out on our roads.

Mutual ground
I am in full support of our want to all get home safely and enjoy our sports peacefully. I hope this doesn't divide us but makes us stronger in raising awareness of what seems like an ongoing and escalating issue regarding the lack of safety awareness from some individuals when passing vulnerable road users. Pass slow and wide should apply to both of us from everyone and anyone out on the road - as is stated in the highway code."

Deleted member 1258

This is the full statement that came up on my facebook page

"No event warning on road
I would not have been out on the road in any form had I known there was a sporting event on. I saw no signs alerting the local that an event would take place on the road I was on and when, hence why I went out like any normal early Sunday morning this time of year.

Hit and run cyclist
Nobody stopped and the cyclist that hit me seemed to show no remorse by what looks like him lifting his middle finger at me whilst riding off as I screamed. I'm very thankful to the event officials for their prompt investigation into identifying the individual and the sincerity in which they are taking the incident. As mentioned, police are also investigating and both aim to work together.

Lack of road awareness
Although one cyclist hit me, I am surprised there wasn't more. Many individuals on this stretch of road at this time had passed dangerously and irresponsibly - too fast and too close. They also put other road users at risk by putting themselves between my horse and oncoming vehicles.

Ongoing concern
It was terrifying being on a spooked horse and knowing that these individuals weren't willing to stop. I am lucky to ride such a calm animal but there are other horses that really wouldn't have tolerated the speed and proximity of those cyclists, risking everyone. I am genuinely concerned. There are many amazing road users that pass safely (and who should always be thanked by horse riders) but there does seem to be a growing lack of awareness of how to pass horses safely on the road and indeed with other vulnerable road users such as cyclists. I think that is what is more shocking in this instance as I felt victimised by many of the individuals on bicycles on that road at that time and particularly by the one individual that hit my horse and I.

Damaging incident
My horse was on the defence with every cyclist he met from then on after the hit and didn't calm until we got away from cyclists on that road. I strongly hope there are no long term effects associated with cyclists coming up behind him from now on. I have had amazing support from the cyclist and triathlete community - so much so that some have offered to do some desensitisation work with my horse if he has picked up a new fear of cyclists. I want to pass my deepest and sincerest gratitude and respects to everyone involved in this sporting community for their support and consideration. I realise it is a few select individuals and not in any way a reflection of the majority of cyclists out on our roads.

Mutual ground
I am in full support of our want to all get home safely and enjoy our sports peacefully. I hope this doesn't divide us but makes us stronger in raising awareness of what seems like an ongoing and escalating issue regarding the lack of safety awareness from some individuals when passing vulnerable road users. Pass slow and wide should apply to both of us from everyone and anyone out on the road - as is stated in the highway code".
Out of a sense of self-preservation and a mistrust of horses in general I always ride with great care around the beasts. Flightier ones can spook at anything and a cyclists is just about the right size, shape and speed to remind horses of their old carnivorous enemies. Riding that close and fast is incredibly stupid. Riding on both sides is beyond stupid as we can all agree.

Deleted member 26715

A 1 ton horse moving sideways quickly could have made a big mess of a lot of riders, they were all very lucky the rider kept control, but as she says what will happen next time he hears them coming up from behind.
I’m wondering if all is not as clear cut as it seems. We don’t know what the ‘lie of the land’ was, out of shot ( particularly behind ) of the horse. If the horse was just around a blind corner, it would go some way to explaining ( but not excusing) the incident re: the riders getting so close ( and on the left of the horse ) the bike riders still shouldn’t have caned it round the bend as quickly as they did, if they couldn’t see it was clear ahead, but I have been surprised to find a horse and rider in the middle of the road, round a blind bend before now.
If the horse was just around a blind corner, it would go some way to explaining ( but not excusing) the incident
A question that's already been raised upthread
Starting to think it's possible that this was on a blind corner on a closed circuit and the cyclists coming around the corner in a group, therefore with limited visibility of the horse in the road around the corner?

And answered thusly
However you cut it, they did choose to pass on the inside, they had options, including stopping or slowing and passing on the outside.

Judging by the distance the horse travels on the video, it was not right on a corner.

They chose to not lose ground to their competitors.
(my bold)
The horse walks up to and then past the driveway or layby where someone is fixing their bike, and at that point a couple of cyclists overtake in, just about, the other lane - the nearest to an OK overtake that you see in the clip, and they are the first ones, so would be the closest to your theoretical 'blind corner'. It walks to and on past another driveway and is well past it when the undertaking happens.

As already said
Stop looking for excuses:

From the official website:
My bold

The roads are open to live traffic and you MUST obey all Highway Code Rules and road regulations at all times. You must give-way where required at junctions and roundabouts, be aware of your fellow cyclists and other traffic users, and obey all road regulations, highway signage and any specific event signage

(Edited to sort out the mixed up quoting!)
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[QUOTE 5281699, member: 43827"]What if the cyclists were going very slowly and the stupid horse rider rode backwards very quickly through the middle of the bunch? Bet you haven't thought of that one.[/QUOTE]
By Jingo! A cash4crash scam a-horseback! Why didn't I think of it - it was clearly intended to be highway robbery!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeIPZ5f9nX4

The horse rider did nothing wrong. The cyclists did. As @User43827 says:
[QUOTE 5281699, member: 43827"]Why should you be surprised to see a horse and rider in the middle of the road (actually she was in the middle of the correct lane)? Always be ready for other, slower road users, especially round blind bends.[/QUOTE]
Even if there was a blind bend - and if there was the horse and rider clearly weren't very close to it - the cyclists bolloxed up horrifically. They were all incredibly lucky that it wasn't a much nastier outcome.
Surely if you're coming up to a blind bend, obey Rule 126 of the Highway Code - drive (ride) at a speed that will allow you to stop well within the distance you can see to be clear.
That’s what I said, if you’d read what I actually posted, rather than selectively read what you think I’d posted ( when I said “the bike riders still shouldn’t have caned it round the bend as quickly as they did, if they couldn’t see it was clear ahead,”)

LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
That’s what I said, if you’d read what I actually posted, rather than selectively read what you think I’d posted ( when I said “the bike riders still shouldn’t have caned it round the bend as quickly as they did, if they couldn’t see it was clear ahead,”)

Where did I quote you? I posted a general statement based on several posts.

Tim Hall

Rubbish. There’s no way you can say for sure.
Counting the white lines from the start of the video until the undertake has 8 lines. The traffic signs manual here has a 6m "wavelength" (one line plus one gap). So that's 48m. That's not "just around a blind corner". It doesn't matter though. Some/most of the riders managed to pass the horse on the right hand side, so it's not like it was impossible.
[QUOTE 5281765, member: 9609"]has it been on TV or Radio news ?[/quote]
It certainly made the beeb website, not sure about broadcast.

makes no odds, other road users make mistakes all the time, a good driver or rider will spot this and make allowances
This. A thousand times this.
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