Am really struggling with this one, not only about the under tacking, but the fact that the others watched them do it. if i was there i would have had them of there bikes, this is tottally unacceptable.
I know we all want to express our detestation of those cyclists, and things said on cyclechat don't always need to be taken literally, but it needs to be registered that these attitudes aren't actually encouraging of civilised shared use of roads either.I actually hope that the ones who passed on the left receive many aggressive close passes from white vans forever more.
the ones who passed on the left receive many aggressive close passes from white vans forever more.
Hear, hear.I know we all want to express our detestation of those cyclists, and things said on cyclechat don't always need to be taken literally, but it needs to be registered that these attitudes aren't actually encouraging of civilised shared use of roads either.
That bunch are on my doorstep, see their vans out quite regularly. Disgraceful behaviour, I do hope the organisers identify the riders to the Police. Wanton and furious cycling charge to follow perhaps?
Am I the only one tired of this knee-jerk nastiness?
No you are right, they need a good kicking.I know we all want to express our detestation of those cyclists, and things said on cyclechat don't always need to be taken literally, but it needs to be registered that these attitudes aren't actually encouraging of civilised shared use of roads either.
I think it's because I knew, immediately, that the online reaction would be to tar all "cyclists" with the same brush. The whole situation is just so wrong, from the initial incident to the subsequent reaction. The mode of transport should be irrelevant: people acted like cocks and deserve dealing with in the appropriate manner.No your not alone, although I find the standard of riding past that horse totally unacceptable, I also find some of the nastiness directed at the cyclists pathetic.
Who is taring them all with the same brush. There are as many arsole cyclist as there are drivers and many others.but on the whole most people are descent.I think it's because I knew, immediately, that the online reaction would be to tar all "cyclists" with the same brush. The whole situation is just so wrong, from the initial incident to the subsequent reaction. The mode of transport should be irrelevant: people acted like cocks and deserve dealing with in the appropriate manner.
Total bollocks. Its a few idiots out there not the majority.What is shown in the video is not typical behaviour of cyclists in general, but it is typical of racing cyclists, and I speak as one who raced a lot in my younger days. Like it or not, once you pin a number on your back and ride competitively the red mist comes down and woe betide anyone obstructing your progress.
Been there, done that and seen it extensively from myself, fellow competitors and also as a marshall and a motorcycle escort. It is not right by any means, but it is fact.
Human nature in action.