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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Yes - quite a pasting. One lorry driver calls us all ***ts and boasts of driving as fast and as close as possible to cyclists esp' those that are two abreast.
I used to work with lorry drivers - I was one! I'll put money on that "lorry driver" actually being a message boy in a 7.5 tonne "lorry" that anyone can drive on a car licence obtained before 1997. Most "proper" lorry drivers I have found to be the most competent drivers on the road. They need to be, really. Same as motorcyclists - they wouldn't survive long if they rode their bikes the way your average Audi/BMW driver drove their car.
All this is probably of little comfort as 7.5 tonnes hitting a cyclist will have much the same effect as 44 tonnes.

Welsh wheels

Lycra king
South Wales
Pretty much what I do, without the speeding up to 10mph part.
10 mph is slow for me :okay:


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
That bunch are on my doorstep, see their vans out quite regularly. Disgraceful behaviour, I do hope the organisers identify the riders to the Police. Wanton and furious cycling charge to follow perhaps?
It's a pity there isn't a simple charge like "behaving like a farking arse". Happily there IS such a thing in Scotland; a much used common law crime called a breach of the peace, which covers a multitude of sins. It could be competently used in this case, geographical technicalities apart.....


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I am at a complete loss at how any cyclist thinks it's ok to ride like that around horses. The undertaking by a couple of them just beggars belief.
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I am at a complete loss at how any cyclists thinks it's ok to ride like that around horses. The undertaking by a couple of them just beggars belief.

Quite - it takes just a few numpties to ruin it for everyone. I pass loads of horses these days (every ride), and always wait until the rider is aware I am coming, and ask if it's OK to come past.

My first guess was a sportive (some idiots ride them) but of course, bunched racing in Tri - triathletes have a really bad reputation on the bike.
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