Discrimination and Loss of "freedom of movement" for poor and disabled

Is exclusion and discrimination of the poor and disabled in regards to cycling a serious problem?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • no

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • I am ignorant on the issue (lack of knowledge, not dumb)

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • your trolling

    Votes: 19 22.9%
  • your not trolling

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • They are a danger and should not be allowed (for what ever reason)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I never knew I was discriminating by "exclusion"

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I don't want them cycling and think you need to be silenced

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • please educate me

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • TMI (if this is your selection please PM as to why)

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
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Active Member
hhhmmmm hhhmmmm hhhmmmm it looks like you've lost the plot with that latest rant hhhmmmm.

A tip for the next forum you try this on: write everything up in word first, and post all your chapters in one go. This, along with not dictating how people can post will make your ramblings (and they are ramblings as you refuse to be succinct) easier for people to swallow.

I also have a question about your atypical panic attacks, if they cause you to jump in a random direction in an unsafe manner, then how are you safe in a pedestrian area on a bicycle? All it would take is someone appearing at your side unexpectedly and you may jump and crash in to them (avec deer and rifle ;) )causing harm to yourself and the poor pedestrian. I also question whether you would actually be safe to drive with this propensity for random muscle spams when surprised, a speedy overtake by someone could see you 'jump' in a random direction steering into the side if their vehicle or off the road.


Formerly EbonyWillow
Right ok...I am going to stay calm...deep breath....if a negligent driver is going to kill a cyclist I don't think they will wait for a passing disabled cyclist...if they are negligent they will flatten anybody, able or otherwise!!! Tge issue is driver education not changing the rules for everyone just to suit your individual needs! If you are not capable of riding a bike on the roads then you are a negligent cyclist and should be re educated or removed. If you want to use the pavement then walk...oh hang on you have another issue now that leaves you bedridden if you walk...use a wheelchair and drag the carcasses from your hunting trips behind it. I am not well off by any means and I grew up with a mum who had a serious heart condition...she didn't bitch and whine and she worked until she could no longer do so and then she lived within her means from her disability living allowance. She walked and had to stop every 50 yards or so due to breathlessness and she did this till the day she died at a young age of 63. I lost her too soon but am so proud of tge way she fought on without the need to make excuses or blame everyone else for her situation. If I ended up in your position then I would learn to work with the people in the society I live in without putting everyones back up. Your attutude frustrates me because although you have valid issues to deal with your attitude makes it impossible for anyone to help you. You have to adapt to your situation and stop expecting the world to change for you. Do this and you might find that you gain respect and therefore will do your cause more good.


Cracking a solo.
And our law forces me as far right as I can possible go a trike is too wide. YET IDIOT NEGLIGENT driver would try to fit in the same lane as I am in. especially the huge delivery trucks, at speed in access of 15 miles an hour or more difference. I would also be forced to pull over and stop frequently because we are not allowed to impede traffic. At that fast yet slow speed difference you would get pulled under not pushed away by a accident. the bumper or tire would ride up the rear left tire crush it in process and pull the rider under, mos likely killing rider in process. Drivers here are vicious and getting worse day by day.
16 pages ago it was pointed out that you are mistaken, I'll say that again 16 PAGES AGO.
Let me remind you if I may.
You never read the whole of part 4! These laws are not overly dramatic!

Subd. 3. Clinging to vehicle. Persons riding upon
any left.gif bicycle right.gif , coaster, roller skates, toboggan, sled, skateboard,
or toy vehicle shall not attach the same or themselves to any
street car or vehicle upon a roadway.

Subd. 4. Riding on roadway or shoulder. (a) Every
person operating a left.gif bicycle right.gif upon a roadway shall ride as close as
practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except
under any of the following situations:

(1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding
in the same direction;

(2) when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or
into a private road or driveway;

(3) when reasonably necessary to avoid conditions,
including fixed or moving objects, vehicles, pedestrians,
animals, surface hazards, or narrow width lanes, that make it
unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge.

I've bolded, underlined and changed the colour of the sections which quite clearly show that your law does not simply force you as far right as possible, it may be you are misreading the law, it may be that you have not read the law fully or it may be that as it does not suit your agenda you choose to ignore it. Whichever it may be, you are wrong.


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    253 bytes · Views: 47
  • right.gif
    255 bytes · Views: 50


@ Disabledrider. What strikes me most from this entire thread is just how utterly self absorbed you are. You imply that you are saying all of these things for the benefit of others in your position but it does not ring true. You have been so amazingly specific about the precise conditions facing you that it would be virtually impossible for them to encompass anyone else.
I would just ask you to look back over the entire thread and observe how long and meandering most of your posts are and ask yourself what your reaction would be to someone who took so long and so many words to make a point. Would you indulge them and try to engage with them in a constructive way, whilst at the same time try to observe all of the conditions that they have laid down about how the thread is to be read, what is or isn't to be inferred when they are unclear about something and that is before you try to observe the conditions that have been put on how you are allowed to reply.
In short would you honestly be willing to put the time and effort into understanding some one else's thread as you have expected and demanded from us?
I think that your points have been addressed here as well as they possibly could have been by people who have been very generous and indulgent with their time as well as being very tolerant and understanding of your, at times, rather abrasive and impatient tone. Most people recognise that you have issues with communication and possibly empathy, so have been receptive and understanding and have even tried in some instances to comply with the unreasonable conditions that you imposed on the thread.
What I'd like to know is what you have learned from the previous 26 pages that is useful to you and what more do you realistically think it is possible to achieve by continuing in the same way?


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
flippant comment (maybe) ......... if DR was able to afford a car, do you think he'd want to be allowed to drive on the pavement ........ ? It sounds like he would be at risk on the road.


Living Legend & Old Fart
Disabled Deranged Cyclist.Are you related to Charles Bronson by any chance? You seem to have a Death Wish! You say that if you ride on the road that you will get killed but an able bodied cyclist may get killed.
Remember this is a UK forum and some US terms we are not familiar with such as 'food shelf'.Is it a place where people go and get either free or discounted food? Was the blocked access the only way into the food shelf? If it was how do other people get there? Find an alternative route; googlemaps is your friend!
You say "I seriously do not want to become a criminal. The fact of the matter is if society fails to stop its discrimination and exclusion I will have no choice in the situation. My will to live is so strong I will do what ever I have to do to survive, That includes stealing food and other necessities." So you do not want to break the law but you will!
If you are only one person, please explain the following "Sheesh If I had done something when someone by the name of disabled rider had pointed it out I would not have found myself in this predicament right now, of not being able to take care for myself for the sole reason of a society"
Normally I would agree with you there is 2 factors I need to point out if you have not read the rest of the thread. SNOW

And our law forces me as far right as I can possible go a trike is too wide. YET IDIOT NEGLIGENT driver would try to fit in the same lane as I am in. especially the huge delivery trucks, at speed in access of 15 miles an hour or more difference. I would also be forced to pull over and stop frequently because we are not allowed to impede traffic. At that fast yet slow speed difference you would get pulled under not pushed away by a accident. the bumper or tire would ride up the rear left tire crush it in process and pull the rider under, mos likely killing rider in process. Drivers here are vicious and getting worse day by day.

Yea trike provides more stability. I know several trike riders in my community by sight They absolutely refuse to go on our streets with them especially when 98% of the drivers are negligent here.

Personally I would prefer tadpole same issue as trike but add your lower to the ground and not everyone understands a flag on a pole warning. I like the tad pole better because it gives better turning control than a trike. and is even more stable. Then the cheapest been able to find is about $1200 which is about 700 more than I can afford. and it wouldn't solve the safety and inter issues.

Disabled rider

I am out tired uh been up all night :eek:

SNOW:- With the correct studded tyres on my trike, I can cope with snow up to ~8" deep.
After that the cross member of the frame starts to collect snow.
But then again, I'm riding one of the lowest recumbent trike out, a Sprint model ICE trike.

If the drivers around you are so bad, how many cyclist death per DAY are there ..... :tongue:
You make it sound like all drivers go out with the intension of running down anything which gets in there way.
Also you make it sound if you slow a driver down by as little as 30 seconds, you'll get pulled over for slowing them down ........... :rolleyes:

I ride on all roads in the UK, bar the very busy main dual carriageway.
I probably done around 20,000 miles in the last 3 years on my trike and in that time I've only had 4-5 near misses in total.
I find that I get more room on the recumbent trike than if I was on an upwrong.


Oaf on a Bike
I think DR is failing to realise that we can comprehend his circumstances without agreeing with him. Ironically the problem seems that he can't view the bigger picture from society's perspective or even the disabled communities perspective just his own circumstance and needs, and that he's the one asking for favouritism and discrimination to his advantage.
YOUR missing the point. IT IS NOT ABOUT THEM being on the side walk It is to reduce the Impaired persons risk of getting killed to be more on par with the able bodies riding on the street. And eliminating the discrimination of favoritism.

What you said Is not from an impaired persons perspective Your comment was clearly written as an able bodied, Your failing to comprehend the level of risk of a able vs impaired when both use the street. The person with impairment FAR OUT WEIGHS in the level of risk of getting killed vs able. And your failing to see the discrimination by forcing the people with impairments to use the streets. when there is a way to reduce that level of risk to be more closely with that of able on the street. <snip>
You're missing the point that it exactly is about everyone including yourself, not just what you personally want to happen even if we understand and sympathise. You talk about it like its a bigger social issue, but then restrict it to your own circumstances ignoring everyone else.

I wouldn't mind them turning a blind eye to responsible pavement cycling, but I also wouldn't want children on the pavement to have to dodge the momentum of a bike, trailer, adult male, deer corpse on the pavement especially controlled by a rider who cant look around himself.

In the UK at least the reason given when people get caught driving in the hard shoulder is that its for emergencies. Imagine theres a crash, the road behind is gridlocked, lots of people hurt and every second counts, the emergency services racing to respond, but look theres some guy riding a bike up the shoulder with bambis mum in a trailer and he cant look behind him to see the vehicles and can't hear them because hes deaf.


Leg End Member
I have learned to adapt I have explained said adaptation, your example doesn't have anything to do with policy discriminating preventing say classic 33 from participating. .

The correct example is you and classic 33 wants to meet there at the cafe(Point B, Point A being the departure point), you actually go to cafe(Point B) and when you try to enter, the cafe says NO classic 33 can't come in, because we are concerned that other patrons would be injured if classic 33 were to have a seizure. See classic 33 is more than capable of participating but the only thing is cafe policy that says classic 33 can't participate. Change the discriminatory policy to allow classic 33 in. This is the relevant example based on what this thread is about. And what I been trying to convey.

Your example was PURELY to make an excuse on classics part to not participate in something classic doesn't want to do. but is capable of doing. I see absolutely NOTHING in your example about any policies that forbids classic 33 from participating or puts classic 33 in undue danger vs able body people.
Disabled rider.
You wish to travel from point A to point B, in manner that suits you. However when someone else uses my dis-ability as an example of how it can affect my travel means you instantly shout foul. The description as given by another person is flawed. You have been concetrating soley on how your health, not open to discussion is being used to prevent you from travelling as you see fit.
You do not understand what my condition involves or even how it impacts on daily life. Therefore do not tell others that they are wrong, because you are right. You're not.
Read the following before answering

Disabled rider, please read.

If you want exclusion. I am not allowed to fly on any of the airlines over here, as I represent an "unacceptable risk to the crew, plane & passengers"(in that order) whilst the plane is in the air. Thats exclusion for you. Blatant and outright!

I never knew that
That's discrimination for sure. Any of us could get sick on a plane, so what?

Thats due to the epilepsy. A fit/seizure whilst the plane is in flight would require an immediate emergency landing. Normal restraint methods that can be used on an aircraft are not allowed.

Maybe time to start posting that information that will end this.


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
You wish to travel from point A to point B, in manner that suits you. However when someone else uses my dis-ability as an example of how it can affect my travel means you instantly shout foul. The description as given by another person is flawed. You have been concetrating soley on how your health, not open to discussion is being used to prevent you from travelling as you see fit.
You do not understand what my condition involves or even how it impacts on daily life. Therefore do not tell others that they are wrong, because you are right. You're not.
Read the following before answering

Maybe time to start posting that information that will end this.
deffo need to end this.....we're running out of interweb.........every time DR posts, a server dies of exhaustion somewhere.....


Leg End Member
deffo need to end this.....we're running out of interweb.........every time DR posts, a server dies of exhaustion somewhere.....
Give him a chance to respond first.
This thread gets locked, he'll start another. That will get locked for similar reasons. Its the reason four, not three as he said, sites have banned him.

Mr Hippo
I find nothing wrong in the way you chose to explain a stuation. Disabled rider disagreed.
He chose to focus on what might have been done at the cafe in the situation as given by yourself.
This the travelling from point A to point B. Regardless of ability.
His focus, used very loosly, is on getting there & back. Not on what happens whilst his there.

Your situation was wrong because he did not like it. He did not like it because it came too close to the situation he claims he is "trying" to explain. We just cannot understand his point off view. Bear in mind that his health is not open for discussion. This means that neither he, nor we can talk about his dis-ability. Because he said so, end off. No ifs, no buts.

Disabled rider.
You make too many asumptions.
Only you can be correct. No-one else knows anything, and yet by your own admission you come seeking help. Or more correctly support for your cause.

You accuse me of not knowing about a condition I was born, brought up with & live with every day of my life. How the f..k..g h..l can you know what its like you do not have to live with it. You mention secondary conditions. Have you ever had to refuse treatment, regardless of cost, because of your impairment. Because that treatment may just kill you. I have, when you have come back & let me know what it felt like to have to turn that treatment down. Have you ever been denied medical treatment on the grounds that those who would be giving that treatment did not want to be resposible for your death. Again I have. That treatment denied was for cancer, the Big C, call it what you want. The condition remains the same.

I have since the earlier post tonight lodged a complaint against any application you may make in the US for a firearms licence. That will come from the top down. Checks are made at local, county & state level. If your name appears on that list you will be denied the licence. Its the law

You do not have a hunting licence, nor have you ever. The wheels have been set in motion on that one. You should have a knock on the door/early morning alarm call within a few days.

If you feel like asking me why did I do that, READ THE ABOVE. You are pompus, arrogant & blind to those around you. You are two thirds of the three wise monkey statue, blind & deaf. And you'll not get much sense out of the statue, either.

I have not used what you have only posted on here, I've looked elsewhere. Used that information. All the time leaving little hints. But you ignored them.

Your only concern throughout your many posts, here & elsewhere(I know some of them) is that you being deaf, should be allowed to break/be above the law, because you cannot be bothered even trying. People were expecting you this week & you failed to show. You choose to remain in your own little world, insisting that everyone is out to get you.

A thought

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU

Sorry for the length of this post folks


Leg End Member
SNOW:- With the correct studded tyres on my trike, I can cope with snow up to ~8" deep.
After that the cross member of the frame starts to collect snow.
But then again, I'm riding one of the lowest recumbent trike out, a Sprint model ICE trike.

If the drivers around you are so bad, how many cyclist death per DAY are there ..... :tongue:
You make it sound like all drivers go out with the intension of running down anything which gets in there way.
Also you make it sound if you slow a driver down by as little as 30 seconds, you'll get pulled over for slowing them down ........... :rolleyes:

I ride on all roads in the UK, bar the very busy main dual carriageway.
I probably done around 20,000 miles in the last 3 years on my trike and in that time I've only had 4-5 near misses in total.
I find that I get more room on the recumbent trike than if I was on an upwrong.


What is disabledrider's primary disability? Is it deafness and from that various other conditions have sprung? Or do you have another disability, a symptom of which is deafness. Pardon the question but I just want to better understand your situation.
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