in short........nothing.....cos nicotine craving is mostly mental and not physical.....physical is no worse than a feeling of hunger and he is a long way past that.....
Paul this is very wrong, very wrong indeed. Nicotine acts on a number of reward pathways in the brain and is extremely physically addictive, in some ways more addictive than drugs like heroin.
There is no disputing that it is physically addictive, the science proves this definitively and it would be very bad to advise anyone otherwise. I'm sorry pal but you're very wrong on this one.
in regards to the mental side......Pete already knows the answer...he's having a bad week...we all have them...smoking will not improve your current state of mind.
If he's having a bad week, suffering from the effects of nicotine withdrawal is not going to help him get through it.
Answer me will anyone rid themselves of a nictotine addiction by substituting it with more nicotine????
Plenty of people have achieved just that, infact that is the best way and the safest way to rid themselves of nicotine addiction. That is why smoking cessation or rather nicotine replacement programmes exist, they exist among other things so people can slowly wean themselves off nicotine by replacing the nicotine from tobacco with the nicotine from another source.
Nicotine is not without its problems, but it is unlikely to kill you, however, the smoke from tobbaco is likely to kill you eventually. Around 100,000 people in the UK die directly from their use of tobacco. They do not die because of the effects of nicotine, they die because of the effects of smoke on their body.
Why should he or anyone put themselves back to the start of a long journey on the false pretence that they will feel better for it???
The journey from what? Smoking? Isn't that what I'm encouraging him to stop? How many people do you think who die from the toxic effects of nicotine every year? It's important he stops taking nicotine but let's at least be honest about what is most harmful here, i.e.- the smoke not the nicotine.