Diary of a smoker

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South Somerset
Pete, OK you had a hard week at work. It's absolutely understandable to look for some kind of crutch. At the same time, the excitement and enthusiasm for not smoking is starting to wane. Six weeks and it's pretty boring, right? Well, it is boring, but it isn't going to be difficult for much longer. Look at it another way. If you had "just the one", you would feel a complete tit, wouldn't you? You are nearly free, don't blow it.:thumbsup:

Nail well and truly hit on head.

or as in the words of the great frank spencer "i'm a failure"

Not going to have even the one / one puff.

oh, and i cant forget the hacksaw :eek:


Ridley rider

Riverman - I see where you are coming from, and as a Ween yourself off i agree with you.

Paul - You are the same as me - cold turkey (and sheer bloddyminded pigheaded stubborn screw you nicotine fairies) attitude.

I think both will / does work depending on the person and their outlook, surroundings etc.

For me personaly, i dont want a substitute, i want to be a non smoker, so i have chossen to ride it out. The first week i used a mouth squirter, it gave me cronic hiccups and tasted bloody foul, when i finished it i though f*** that i dont need it that badly, and its worked for me ever since.

I know i am going to have bad days and weeks, this being one of them.

totally agree with you Pete, my issue was with the fact that a suggestion had been made that you basically take a step backwards when you have already got past the worst. Having said that i believe Riverman realised after his post that you were at the later stage and not just starting out. Whatever works for the individual is fine with me so long as the result is a positive one.

i am not going to post anymore on the subject of physical withdrawel as i believe this thread is here to help people on the journey (which is why admin has pinned it) beit before/starting out or during. Therefore i dont want to turn this thread into an argument....other places for that.

However i have read the wiki article and i have not changed my point of view one liitle bit, the info on the wiki page is not helpful to anyone starting out....in my view.This forum is great as it allows people to air their views, however i think that if i carry on in the direction i am going i am in danger of diverting attention away from the purpose of this thread and that would not do anyone any service. And i will defend the right of anyone to have their say, whether i agree or not makes no difference

Riverman, please feel free to pm me on the above, i am interested to know how you have come to your conclusions on the subject and i am more than willing to discuss the wiki article with you (via pm), even if we do agree to disagree:biggrin:


Returning Hero.
N Ireland
Don't know if it's any help or not, I quit 3.5 years ago. I was turning 30 and decided i wanted to see my daughter turn 30. Only had one child then, now i've three to keep me off them.

I smoked 8-12 a day for 13 years.

Guilt kept me from smoking when I could easily have had one and told nobody, all I had to do was think of the kids and make sure i didn't have any "emergency" fags about the place. I told all my mates, relatives, everyone at work, everyone who would listen that I was off them and i wasn't allowed one from any of them, if they truly considered my friendship they'd honour the agreement. To be fair they all did, to a person.

I haven't read the thread but the first and last page give me the idea you're doing what I did and I think cold turkey is the way to go. If you really really want to quit, you will, the key is genuinely wanting it.

I feel a hundred times better now than i did when I was a smoker.

Good work so far, keep it up :smile:


Something like my 41st day and...i was going to say 'still going well'...but i feel like an ex smoker, i really dont see how i could slip up now.
What was nice is i did a 20 miler tonight (my first ride in about 3 weeks :sad:) and i didnt get that acidy burn in my chest when pushing along, plenty of thgh burn, plenty of time out of the saddle, but no adverse feelings in my chest, brilliant.


South Somerset
Something like my 41st day and...i was going to say 'still going well'...but i feel like an ex smoker, i really dont see how i could slip up now.
What was nice is i did a 20 miler tonight (my first ride in about 3 weeks :sad:) and i didnt get that acidy burn in my chest when pushing along, plenty of thgh burn, plenty of time out of the saddle, but no adverse feelings in my chest, brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this thread Pete, its been an interesting read and well done everybody who has broken their addition.

Like many here I quit towards the end of November last year after smoking for nearly 30 years. I dont remember the date just remember it being 7pm, sat at home, I had no ciggies left and really couldnt be bothered to go to the shop to get some and it all started from that.

Everybody has there little traits and words of wisdom on the subject and I think it is finding the one that suits you, mine was to have a bottle of water at hand and drink when I got the ugre. I dont get an urge to have one now and it is very easy for me to change my train of thought to something else. So it most definately gets easier

I was also minded about eating to much as most people are, but having said that I convinced myself it is easier to lose the weight than give the ciggies up and that got me through. I started a bit of evening training and light circuit training as well as riding my bike, but its always the winter that puts me off going out............I know a fair weather rider ^_^ but I have been out over the last few weekends and feel pretty much in good shape, well good shape for a 48 year old anyway.

keep it up fella, it gets better and better as each day goes by. I would say good luck but it has nothing to do with luck it is sheer determination!


South Somerset
Well went out today and did the hill, 2 stops only and not totaly out of breath.

To be fair i could have done it in one i think, but just felt so much better.

Me thinks the benefits are starting to show


Yeah, doing fine here.

I don't really think of myself as a non-smoker, or an ex-smoker. There comes a time when you just need to move on and stop reminding yourself of the past, and it kinda sounds like it's a countdown to failure if you're keeping track of the number of days.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
I think all you guys who have enjoyed fantastic success in leaving behind your chemical dependencies should reward yourselves with a set of the brand new CycleChat stickers, available here;
I know this is a shameless plug, but hey I've got stickers to sell and money to re-coup. Come on guys, fly the CC flag and show your support ^_^:thumbsup:


Ridley rider
I think all you guys who have enjoyed fantastic success in leaving behind your chemical dependencies should reward yourselves with a set of the brand new CycleChat stickers, available here;
I know this is a shameless plug, but hey I've got stickers to sell and money to re-coup. Come on guys, fly the CC flag and show your support ^_^:thumbsup:

already have....along with a Garmin......new shoes......new shorts.....new lights......new bike (when i get it!)....the list goes on......:biggrin:


Ridley rider
Yeah, doing fine here.

I don't really think of myself as a non-smoker, or an ex-smoker. There comes a time when you just need to move on and stop reminding yourself of the past, and it kinda sounds like it's a countdown to failure if you're keeping track of the number of days.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.

What he said.........but i hope everyone is doing well anyway.
I dont think my colleagues believe i found it so easy (not many smokers where i work) as i was asked only earlier in the week whether i was still a non smoker.......i said i didn't think about it very often...(and in the nicest possible tone and with a smile on my face)...until someone asked me if i still wasnt smoking....:whistle:
Now i know this person didn't mean anything as she went on to say how well i had done etc.....but sometimes it almost like people are waiting for you to fail. I know i am not....cos if i can get through the amount of sh*t that has come my way these past few weeks then i can get through anything without wanting a fag. And to be honest i moved on from the moment i had my last smoke.
Like i said i hope everyone is on board nevertheless and it is good to touch base on the subject anyway :becool:
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