Cyclist wins case against Taxi driver

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Legendary Member


Über Member
That was as constructive as your post deserved.

But to spell it out for you...

Every part of your post was nonsense. There were insults traded, reasonably by the cyclist as he'd suffered a nasty and frightening close pass. Nothing the cyclist said or did warranted the calculated, premeditated violence from the driver. Nothing.

The rider did not pursue the driver, who'd gone well out of sight before setting up his ambush.

Lastly, one guy's behaviour on a bike is not representative of any other person on a bike. We are not, as a group, collectively responsible for every other rider.

The court, with all of the evidence available to it, decided the driver was guilty of assault. The judge must have been thoroughly unimpressed by his driving since he gave the cabbie the maximum penalty points available, 9. I've never before heard of 9 points for careless driving. With any luck he'll clock up another 3 in short order and the courts will disqualify him. He has no place on our roads.

of course it was dangerous driving and assault. however during his second contact with the driver the cyclist proceeded to use words like nob. that is only going to make the situation worse isnt it! the idiot in the taxi decided he wasnt going to stand being called a nob and reacted like the pillock he is. no one was justifying what the driver did but the cyclist should have reacted with less vitriol. a bit like your initial response to me, which was childish. all you needed to do was counter my argument maturely!


of course it was dangerous driving and assault. however during his second contact with the driver the cyclist proceeded to use words like nob. that is only going to make the situation worse isnt it! the idiot in the taxi decided he wasnt going to stand being called a nob and reacted like the pillock he is. no one was justifying what the driver did but the cyclist should have reacted with less vitriol. a bit like your initial response to me, which was childish. all you needed to do was counter my argument maturely!
Yes yes, let's all Keep Calm And Carry On.


Charming but somewhat feckless
no one was justifying what the driver did but
there are some plonkers out there who give the rest of us cyclists a bad name by aggravating a situation
he brought the attack on himself
he went after the cab multiple times
he needed to grow up and leave it
i have made my interpretation of the video clear in my many posts

Yes, you certainly have.


LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
The taxi driver is a violent thug that needs his licence taking off him. He lay in wait for the cyclist for a good while just to assault him and shouldn't be allowed to transport members of the public around in his taxi .


Charming but somewhat feckless
Never understood cameras on bikes. Seems to attract trouble. If you wear one on the bike, then why not wear 24/7 if that scared of a non fault incident in your life?

Because there are enough cases of claims by drivers of a "suicidal cyclist swerve" where no other witnesses were present, in which the drivers are not even prosecuted let alone convicted or punished.

This alone is sufficient for many cyclist to install cameras to act as independent evidence gathering tools to aid prosecution. In the worst cases the cyclist won't even be alive to testify.

Aren't you all so hard? Problem is, this is exactly the same attitude that driver had. He didn't think he started it, he thinks it started with the cyclist calling him a knob. Kudos to cyclist for not hitting the old man, no matter how much he wanted to.

If someone hits me, I hit them back unless they are way bigger or tougher than me in which case I will bravely run away. Does this not make sense?


105% knowledge on 105
I don't hear half as many stories of bad drivers from non camera cyclists. Some people go out to look for trouble, and in my experience those with commuting camera vids get upset more easy than those who don't. If you wear a camera to cycle, wear one anywhere near a car if you are so scared of them.


Leg End Member
I don't hear half as many stories of bad drivers from non camera cyclists. Some people go out to look for trouble, and in my experience those with commuting camera vids get upset more easy than those who don't. If you wear a camera to cycle, wear one anywhere near a car if you are so scared of them.
I got fed up of hitting the sides of vans, nearly always a van, but trying to report them, near misses with nothing to back up what was being said made it impossible.

One company no longer comes through this part of the country. Their safety record, amongst their own isn't the best, with drivers refusing to drive for them.


105% knowledge on 105
Perhaps the cyclists without cameras can't be bothered, as they see that you wouldn't believe them anyway?
Haven't said I don't believe stories, get cut up or close passed often. Happens often in the car too. Just have thicker skin than most. Cycling is there to enjoy. If you cant enjoy it to the point you feel you need a camera , then seek an alternative. Life's too short
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