I was ill last week, but got back on the turbo with a pretty light session of 8x3min threshold at varied cadence, then an hour of Z2. Felt good during and after, so back on it this week.
Going to do a test tomorrow - current 4DP profile has me as follows
NM: 813W
AC: 379W
MAP: 260W
FTP: 219W
Hoping for an increase across the board on these (and they're low compared to my typical number so should be doable) - will report back when the results are in!
Going to do a test tomorrow - current 4DP profile has me as follows
NM: 813W
AC: 379W
MAP: 260W
FTP: 219W
Hoping for an increase across the board on these (and they're low compared to my typical number so should be doable) - will report back when the results are in!

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