Cycling Workouts: Discussion/Encouragement/Sharing/Banter

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
A 7 x 5’ min VO2 max session today. Im not sure there’s much physiological benefit going beyond 30 mins, but it was in my plan. Good benefits psychologically though. Felt I paced it well, nice controlled fish out of water breathing. Done as hill repeats, outdoors.

I am just going for an easy woodland walk on New Years Day.



Legendary Member
Suddenly had a problem with the seat post slipping down during virtual rides, especially on climbs.
Tried lots of things to stop it but nothing was 100% successful, so ended up buying Park Tools assembly paste we did the trick.

Then I realise the PC I use for the smart trainer is no longer updating, the update states it's upto date but is missing security updates.
Turns out although it runs Windows 11 fine, the CPU is not officially supported(TPM and SecureBoot are ok) so when a big update comes along, which was released in October, it will not update it.
So I had to spend an hour or so installing the new version of Windows 11 before I could use it.

So now I am back to trying to recover my lost fitness.

I'm having the same seat post issue with my roadbike. It is going to the bike shop this week to hopefully be fixed.


Legendary Member
A 7 x 5’ min VO2 max session today. Im not sure there’s much physiological benefit going beyond 30 mins, but it was in my plan. Good benefits psychologically though. Felt I paced it well, nice controlled fish out of water breathing. Done as hill repeats, outdoors.

I am just going for an easy woodland walk on New Years Day.

View attachment 757379 .

Good work 💪


A Human Being
I'm having the same seat post issue with my roadbike. It is going to the bike shop this week to hopefully be fixed.

I can vouch for Park Tools assembly paste, although a little indulgent even with four bikes I could use it on.


Legendary Member
My mate who's brother owns the shop, gave me some Giant Assembly Paste, but Unfortunately it didn't stop the issue.
My 2 and 1/2 year old niece handily (NOT) gave me a cold for the New Year and yesterday I wasn’t quite sure if it was wholly in my nasal passages or had went to my throat so I skipped yesterdays VO2max session. I was pretty sure it was just in my nasal passages tonight, I was in two minds however whether to do last nights session or a TrainNow (TN) generated session. I went with TN but didn’t like its 60min option so I dropped to a 45mins one expecting one of a similar Progress Level but it recommended one of half the Progress Level level as 60 mins option
Given I’ve had the cold I opted for it anyway as it looked interesting two short (4mins @100%) threshold intervals, a 1.5min VO2max (120%) interval and a 1.5min anaerobic (125%) interval.


It looked at the time a sensible option given the cold and tomorrow’s session but I’m left thinking that I should have went for something more challenging



If you scuff the seat post below the exposed section, something like red fibre cloth or sandpaper, that maybe enough with paste to provide grip.


Legendary Member
Impressed with your weather resilience 💪

My session yesterday felt tough. It was 2 x (15 mins tempo, 12 mins sweets pot, 5 mins threshold, 3 mins VO2) with 10 mins recovery in between. Really had to dig deep to complete the final VO2 effort. Indoors.
Impressed with your weather resilience 💪

The opposite from me today!

The road to the house was sheet ice this morning and whilst I’m sure the main roads would have been fine, I mentally gave in to my peripheral neuropathy before it could be a problem. So I came back and fired up TrainNow for a ride suggestion. With my lack of outdoor riding it suggested a collection of anaerobic and VO2max workouts. I opted for a VO2max workout, and whilst the first few intervals were anaerobic, I was glad I hadn’t opted for a anaerobic one.


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I’m trying squeezing my workout at lunch time to hopefully sleep better at night. To do so I used ‘Alternatives’ to select a 45min workout equivalent to the original 1h workout scheduled. It wasn’t the best prep a 6h drive the day before and a bit of overnight rest day DOMs which saw some of the Z5 intervals Z4 but hopefully it works in future


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