I'm doing the Zwift: Baseline series of workouts at the moment. This morning was the second, which consisted of three well-spaced 15s efforts. The workout was set to automatically turn erg mode off when the interval started. I let this happen on the first sprint, but realised that what that does is throw you straight into your sprint effort in whatever gear you're in; I'd had the foresight to switch up to the big ring but was still a bit undergeared, and the 13s 978W includes a bit of ramping up from 200W. For the second interval, I changed to sim mode in advance of the 15s sprint window, so I was already up to power as I passed under the arch. I didn't think I could beat either of those two 15s efforts, so for the third, I just went for a peak effort.
Next up is 60-180s efforts, which is going to hurt a lot more.
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I prefer 'resistance' mode for all work outs, I've done a similar injury in the past with Elite's ERG on Threshold workouts, also I've had annoyingly hang at a high resistance and not drop for a rest interval! I'd never dream of using Elite's ERG on a VO2max workout. Besides even if ERG works, it caps you at a certain power level where VO2max is a maximum oxygen intake based zone and not power.I Was reading about this workout in some Facebook posts where users managed to injure themselves due to sudden loss of resistance. I’d agree sprints always best done with the resistance of the road / machine rather than ERG.
Feck me, I know Elite turbos don't have the best reputation, but that's dreadful. If it's still in warranty, I'd be sending that back because it's quite clearly not fit for purpose.
This is the kind of trace I get from using erg on my Tacx Neo 2T. Where there are step changes, the turbo locks into the required power within about 5 seconds and then the 3-second average power displayed only wavers by 2-3W, tops, unless you try rapidly changing your cadence. The little blip at 35 mins in was me standing up momentarily during the rest period. Definitely can't feel any change in power during the constant intervals.
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Two 90 minutes zone 2 rides in two days, felt nice.
RHR back under 50 for first time for almost four weeks.
At last had the chance to try out my new "more perinium friendly" saddle I bought four weeks ago.
No exercise for three weeks, lots of fitness lost. Initially I Think I had a cold that weakened my immune system allowing something far worse to get in🤒.
First day I felt ok although weak as kitten🐱, give it a couple of days before getting back to some light exercise.
Interesting to view my health tracker data for the past weeks to see if it shows anything useful.
Overnight HR normally mid 40's but been mid 50's, worst night it was 60.
Overnight HRV usually in the 60's but during this period in the 40's, sometimes even in the 30's, as low as 31 one night.
The stress measurement showing lots of stress even when sitting around doing nothing or sleeping.
SPO2 measurements all fine and generally sleep of good quality, but the tracker unable to detect afternoon naps.
Hopefully a nice zone 2 ride on Monday.
Think I need one of them on my turbo bike![]()