Post rest day DOMS (I hardly ever get DOMs since I started taking Iron supplements, guess what I forgot last night), so not the best start
No good for the globe, yet another 10deg C switch in the temperature, but I took advantage of it and went out for a gravel bike ride in the morning and to avoid the pre Christmas madness on the roads. I got nearly to the turn, climbed a gate and there was a mean looking Ram guarding his sheep. So I decided to find another way. Unfortunately, when I climbed back over the gate I must have caught the sidewall of the rear tyre. A DynaPlug, pump, Co2, pump, pump, pump didn’t sort it. I could have messed about with a spare tube but as home was most along an old railway path (shallow up gradient) and then down through town I decided to run (it turns out it was 17miles
So not the best prep for tonight’s workout (Bashful - 1, 5x1-minute intervals at 125% FTP) and it showed. It wasn’t too bad a start, then I unclipped a few times during the third interval. It then fell apart. On hindsight I should have either not ran it on ERG or dropped the ERG intensity.