Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
I was out on a pre-GPS tour of the hills of West Yorkshire and had just descended a nightmarishly steep hill near Huddersfield. I didn't fancy having to go back up it so I sought the help of an elderly pedestrian ...A topical one.
We have come to Geraardsbergen in Belgium to watch the start of the Transcontinental Race. I was trying to explain to our French speaking host where we were going to no avail. I thought it was my pronounciation as Geraardsbergen is 10 minutes away. It turns out the French part of Belgium call it Gramont and refuse point blank to recognise any other name for it.
ColinJ: Excuse me please - How far are we from Slaithwaite?
Man: Sorry, never 'eard of it. Say it again...
Me, trying harder: Slay-th-wait?
Man: No... Spell it out.
Me: S-L-A-I-T-H-W-A-I-T-E?
Man: Oh, Slough-it - you're 'ere - THIS is Slough-it. Why didn't you say that!
Me (speechless):

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