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Flying_Monkey said:
Bonj, I really wouldn't go around boasting about having a third which you didn't work for...

I know some very intelligent people that don't have degrees. I'm not sure how that's relevant here but I just thought I'd say it. :girl:


Flying_Monkey said:
Bonj, I really wouldn't go around boasting about having a third which you didn't work for...

what's wrong with a third? it's an honours degree.
Very rarely do people ever actually USE their degree.
When i got my first proper job and they asked if i had a degree, they didn't even check the certificate.
i didn'dt really concentrate that much on physics because it's of little use in the real world. I passed the exams based on a combination of common sense, rope remembering of stock answers and an ability to waffle in a particular type of handwriting that's not so scruffy that it's impossible to read, but scruffy enough for it to be a big effort to do so, so therefore they don't bother and just give the pass mark - that's the technique for questions that you don't have the foggiest what it's on about - might aswell, because even if they suss you they aren't allowed to then use the fact that you've done that to mark you down in another question, each question gets marked on its own merits.


yello said:
I know some very intelligent people that don't have degrees. I'm not sure how that's relevant here but I just thought I'd say it. :girl:

Exactly. That's half my point. Bonj's post demonstrates that he wasted three years of his life for nothing... something he seems pleased about, and he even thinks makes him qualified to comment on related matter. It's insulting to the intelligence of people who never had the opportunity, as well as those who did make something of themselves at university...


bonj said:
rope remembering

**snigger** (sorry, couldn't help it)

Bonj, I like your posts. Really, I do. You can be relied upon to offer a different insight and there's often great value in seeing things differently...

...but sometimes you just keep digging that hole deeper. :girl:


bonj said:
what's wrong with a third? it's an honours degree.

and what's wrong with a third? Not much apart from the fact you could probably have got one without bothering to do the course these days*. I know, I mark degrees, and I know how we're told to mark them. Anything less than a third is either a result of plagiarism, having missed entire modules - basically if you get a 'pass degree' the university is just trying to get rid of you because it's more complicated if you actually fail - you might sue for a start.

*there is however a big difference between people who struggle hard to get to university and end up with a third - which is more than they ever expected - and those who do nothing and end up that way as you seem to be proud of doing. If I had my way, people who are proud of not working (and are basically wasting our time) would be kicked out early on - fees or no fees.


Flying_Monkey said:
Exactly. That's half my point.

Sorry, I genuinely wasn't being critical or indulging in inverse snobbery kind of sentiments. It's hugely difficult to be serious in this thread. :girl:
yello said:
Bonj, I like your posts. Really, I do. You can be relied upon to offer a different insight and there's often great value in seeing things differently...
Seeing things differently in Bonj's case meaning 'to spout utter b*llcks'...:girl:

But it's always nice to have someone so utterly, factually, blitheringly wrong to argue with. :ohmy:


bonj said:
what's wrong with a third? it's an honours degree.

It's not as good as a 2:2, 2:1 or 1st. The people who got 3rds on my course were the ones who did very little study. Those who tried but weren't great at the subject got a 2:2.


Legendary Member
Just curious but what sort of training do cricketers do to prepare to be part of a team?
Iv seen them in the nets practicing batting and bowling, but havnt seen them do different things like sprinting to get faster running for scoring runs, or training regimes . Im really curious, as for example footballers do a lot of physical training as do rugby players. Iv yet to see running and situps ect by cricketers as a way of getting match fit?


User482 said:
It's not as good as a 2:2, 2:1 or 1st. The people who got 3rds on my course were the ones who did very little study. Those who tried but weren't great at the subject got a 2:2.

When I was at University you could get a "special", which was lower than a third (but a non-honours degree).


Flying_Monkey said:
and what's wrong with a third? Not much apart from the fact you could probably have got one without bothering to do the course these days.

Now you have sparked my interest. I did my degree in the late 90s and half suspected that some of my fellow students were being walked through. Failure only seemed to be for not turning up or not handing something in. Exam pass marks were something like 35%, and you could get that for correctly spelling your name. Now, I don't know whether that's as it should be and all for a purpose but it certainly seemed, to me anyway, to be the case.
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