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bonj said:
a cricket ball isn't SOLID! anyhow a tennis ball while lighter than a cricket ball, is at least half as heavy, but it travels over 50% faster. therefore it has as much if not more momentun.
Yes is it. If you think otherwise, do enlighten us...:smile:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
bonj said:
a cricket ball isn't SOLID!

Yes it is....


bonj said:
a cricket ball isn't SOLID! anyhow a tennis ball while lighter than a cricket ball, is at least half as heavy, but it travels over 50% faster. therefore it has as much if not more momentun.

Genius. Of course a cricket ball is solid, you numpty! And it's three times as heavy as a tennis ball. Unlike a tennis ball, it doesn't deflect when it hits something.

Apart from that, you're spot on.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Chuffy said:
Yes is it. If you think otherwise, do enlighten us...:smile:

They are made from woven hay, which is why it has to be carried all over the country on lorries. So cricket clubs should all grow their own hay...
bonj said:
Well - what about this. If he isn't quite sure what height the ball's going to bounce to, then he can hold the bat VERTICALLY, in line with the plane of motion of the ball (which he can see as soon as it leaves the bowler's hand) so that however high it bounces, it will hit the bat.
That could be anywhere from ground level to six feet up. A cricket bat is about three feet long. Figure that one out genius.


Chuffy said:
That could be anywhere from ground level to six feet up. A cricket bat is about three feet long. Figure that one out genius.

Then we can move on to Bonj's genius method for actually scoring some runs.


Chuffy said:
So you paid for your degree. Suddenly it's all becoming clearer...:biggrin:

If I recall, he scraped a third. Perhaps he should have paid more. :smile:
User482 said:
If I recall, he scraped a third. Perhaps he should have paid more. :smile:
But all you have to do is read loads of books and repeat them for the exam. It's not exactly hard is it? :biggrin:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
That football game isn't exesionary in my opininon neither. There's one bloke at either end what's wearing jumpers who just stand around most of the game doing nothing. They might as well read the paper.

.....and don't start me on that pole vault malarkey. They even get dressed between vaults!
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