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Flying_Monkey said:
and what's wrong with a third? Not much apart from the fact you could probably have got one without bothering to do the course these days*. I know, I mark degrees, and I know how we're told to mark them. Anything less than a third is either a result of plagiarism, having missed entire modules - basically if you get a 'pass degree' the university is just trying to get rid of you because it's more complicated if you actually fail - you might sue for a start.
THERE YOU GO AGAIN! You're just a bloody ambulance-chaser, aren't you?!:girl: Stop obsessing about what people can sue for! :ohmy:

Flying_Monkey said:
*there is however a big difference between people who struggle hard to get to university and end up with a third - which is more than they ever expected - and those who do nothing and end up that way as you seem to be proud of doing. If I had my way, people who are proud of not working (and are basically wasting our time) would be kicked out early on - fees or no fees.

and how would you test for that?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
bonj said:
and how would you test for that?

Name please!


Right, out!


bonj said:
THERE YOU GO AGAIN! You're just a bloody ambulance-chaser, aren't you?!:smile: Stop obsessing about what people can sue for! :sad:

The university, bonj, not me. I don't give a monkeys.

(And where else have I given any indication of being obsessed with what people might sue for, anyway? :smile: )


Flying_Monkey said:
we try to recognise hard work.

Which, going back to my earlier post, is fair.

There were people on my course that clearly had a grasp of the subject and there were those that worked damned hard. I thought both were equal and deserving of recognition. The ones that went on had both qualities.

I remember one women who fell into the 2nd category. She really did graft and ended up with a 2:1. She applied to do/asked about a PhD and was turned down in fairly straight terms (according to her). The HoD was a wonderfully gentle man, but with a wickedly sarcastic sense of humour, so I doubt he would have been rude. I would imagine he was forced into being blunt because said women didn't recognise his gentle detering. But bottom line is that I don't think she was up to it. Maybe giving her a 2:1 was not the best thing to do.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
col said:
Just curious but what sort of training do cricketers do to prepare to be part of a team?
Iv seen them in the nets practicing batting and bowling, but havnt seen them do different things like sprinting to get faster running for scoring runs, or training regimes . Im really curious, as for example footballers do a lot of physical training as do rugby players. Iv yet to see running and situps ect by cricketers as a way of getting match fit?

They train very professionally these days compared with some 10-20 years ago when David Gower refused to net and said he'd rather have an extra glass of Chablis.
Samit Patel was dropped by England last week for being slightly overweight.


Ay but then Gower was a natural.

The Aussies, as often is the case, changed the name of the game. They tried that bit harder for those few extra percentage points. They rest of the world is still playing catch up.


yello said:
I remember one women who fell into the 2nd category. She really did graft and ended up with a 2:1. She applied to do/asked about a PhD and was turned down in fairly straight terms (according to her).

Unfortunately hard work alone will not get you a PhD, so unless the woman in question had developed significantly over the course, then maybe he was right, if lacking in tact (it does seem to be a quality most HoDs lack!). I would never advise anyone to go on straight from undergrad to PhD anyway - go and do something else, live a bit, find out what you are interested it... come back with some real questions etc. Unfortunately there is a tendency to try to push people through like a production line to PhD these days. All the most interesting people in academic that I know had significant breaks in between at least some of their degrees.


Oh, she'd lived already. She was once a dancer in Pan's People, had met David Bowie etc etc etc. I always look out for her on old clips of Top Of The Pops. Anyways, she was one of those wonderfully optimistic people that sincerely believed you could do anything if you try, and work hard enough. She certainly did that. And she was a genuine pleasure to be with. Sadly she clearly never really understood what she was studying, not that I was any better, and it came as no surprise to me that the dept said no.


Resting in suspended Animation
Geez there's resentment on here. People knocking Physics Degrees. If people who did other subjects feel they could get very high marks in a Physics undergrad (or a harder subject) that's fair enough. By high marks I mean high first with distinction on either a bachelors or masters.


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Chuffy said:
Seeing things differently in Bonj's case meaning 'to spout utter b*llcks'...:smile:

Is this gentle medium pace b*llcks?
Obviously not genuine pace b*llcks as bonj denies its existence.
Could it possibly be that rare creature reverse swing b*llcks?



Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
marinyork said:
Geez there's resentment on here. People knocking Physics Degrees. If people who did other subjects feel they could get very high marks in a Physics undergrad (or a harder subject) that's fair enough. By high marks I mean high first with distinction on either a bachelors or masters.

More like people knocking someone who uses the fact that he's got a physics degree to spout the most profound bollocks about any subject under the sun!!!!!!

I reckon I could get a third class Physics degree just on general knowledge. That and working in high-tech engineering for 20-odd years...


Flying_Monkey said:
The university, bonj, not me. I don't give a monkeys.

(And where else have I given any indication of being obsessed with what people might sue for, anyway? :biggrin: )

you, with your bloody - educating of people about how they can sue for having their privacy broken! :wacko:


Flying_Monkey said:
The university, bonj, not me. I don't give a monkeys.

What?! :wacko:

What the hell did you MEAN, by: "if you get a 'pass degree' the university is just trying to get rid of you because it's more complicated if you actually fail - you might sue for a start."
who might sue who, the university might sue me or i might sue the university??:biggrin:

If the latter , then it just proves my point. You are just trying to educate people about how they can work out how the university might have tried to "get rid of" them, in order to sue it!
Well they didn't 'get rid of' me, I just chose NOT to become an 'eternal student', like you clearly HAVE!
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