Hello decadence
I'm pleased you are following the rules. I am as well. However, a quick read of some of the posts on CC and today's newspapers will tell you many aren't. I have relatives who are front line doctors in the NHS - the service is overwhelmed with Covid patients (who are really sick). The William Harvey, Ashford, for example is operating at 120%. 1 in 2 of every patient has Covid and is very sick (and this has an effect on staff, many of whom are off sick themselves). It is not possible for the NHS to carry on as normal and treat other illnesses, however much we would like this to happen. The efforts going into vaccination are huge and will make a real difference but we still need to follow the rules.We're not ignoring it ... we go to work daily, we travel to support standby generation for hospitals, we work in the supermarkets you insist on staying open ..... we have followed the rules for nearly a year and it's getting worse.
Another thing to consider, vaccinating the vulnerable. 9 months ago their where X vulnerable, lots died.A whole new wave of vulnerable have appeared as a result of NHS neglect. A second wave. We will be vaccinating the vulnerable until the sun goes out at this rate.