COVID Vaccine !

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Not at all. We need to get back to a slightly altered version of what we perceived as normal, and if you want your new normal to be a place where there is zero risk of infection, then you may have to sell your house and quit your job, but that is your decision.

If your new normal is a place where you take sensible precautions and interact with other people in a reasonable way, while taking personal responsibility, then build a bbq, put in a new kitchen invite the neighbours round (but don't lick them) and go to work undertaking sensible measures like before.
But don't spout off to others that you are the only one to be acting correctly and think we should all be like you.

As a matter interest @winjim how old are your kids?


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Not at all. We need to get back to a slightly altered version of what we perceived as normal, and if you want your new normal to be a place where there is zero risk of infection, then you may have to sell your house and quit your job, but that is your decision.

If your new normal is a place where you take sensible precautions and interact with other people in a reasonable way, while taking personal responsibility, then build a bbq, put in a new kitchen invite the neighbours round (but don't lick them) and go to work undertaking sensible measures like before.
The example you gave upthread was of someone literally not taking sensible precautions and literally not interacting with others in a reasonable way. Your example. You have absolutely backwards logic.

'We need to get back to a new normal where people can cheat the system and potentially infect thousands of people at a football match because it's their choice'

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Craig - I'll not share my medical details, but I've been in/out of hospital and had enough conversations with doctors since last February to have been told the probable outcome. That's why at a bike race I'm the one standing away from everyone else.

And yes, I'll continue to take the precautions I've been taking not just since last February but for much longer. It's a pain.

Why do you keep telling us you won't share your medical details? No-one has asked you to.

I get it, you are at risk, the bit I don't get is that you are so afraid of 'the public' but live with someone who works on a Covid ward. Now unless you wear face masks all the time I don't see how you are not on the edge of a nervous breakdown 24/7. You won't go near people outside in case they infect you, but you share a house with someone who works on a 'Covid ward'.
I know you said you were taking all sensible precautions, but unless she is not breathing out you are taking a risk, this virus is airborne.
Why do you keep telling us you won't share your medical details? No-one has asked you to.

I get it, you are at risk, the bit I don't get is that you are so afraid of 'the public' but live with someone who works on a Covid ward. Now unless you wear face masks all the time I don't see how you are not on the edge of a nervous breakdown 24/7. You won't go near people outside in case they infect you, but you share a house with someone who works on a 'Covid ward'.
I know you said you were taking all sensible precautions, but unless she is not breathing out you are taking a risk, this virus is airborne.
And takes his kid bike racing?


Well-Known Member
An observation from someone who has diagnosed CLL and works teaching in universities. This year has been mainly distance teaching, but at times I’ve worked in the classroom and will again from September. The problem is the extreme carelessness of students (and some teachers) with regard to any of the social distancing and hygiene rules. It’s virtually impossible to keep any distance from them, and they’re pulling down masks and sneezing and coughing. The authorities often are not sympathetic and put far too many students in the same rooms (we’ve classes with up to 50 students).

It’s genuinely worrying. I’ll be going in for a dissertation viva on Thursday and I don’t know what sort of room I’ll be in, or how serious the other participants will be about covid.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
The example you gave upthread was of someone literally not taking sensible precautions and literally not interacting with others in a reasonable way. Your example.
Yes, my example. It was an appalling thing for the block to do, i believe I may have called him a nobhead.

'We need to get back to a new normal where people can cheat the system and potentially infect thousands of people at a football match because it's their choice'
You really do struggle sometimes don't you? I have never said that is the place we need to be, I keep saying, and you seem to not be able to read it when I write it, that we all need to get to a place where we take this seriously, take care of each other and behave responsibly. We can't stay locked in/up for ever, what we would do about things like furlough? Just keep paying it indefinitely?

You work in health and in a hospital. I assume you see health workers becoming more relaxed about the restrictions now in place and confident that things can be managed? Nothing changes on the 19th, if you want to do those same things you absolutely can. None of the restrictions being released are instructions to not wear masks, carry on wearing one.

Now, I asked earlier but you ignored it. Do you really honestly think that Boris Johnson doesn't care if your wife dies?


Hello decadence
And takes his kid bike racing?
Lecturing is in doors and in often in poorly ventilated buildings. Anyone who has worked in a university knows how quickly viruses spread through the sheer number of face to face contacts with people from around the globe. Last time I looked, bike racing is outside. Distancing is possible.

it’s a matter of risk.
An observation from someone who has diagnosed CLL and works teaching in universities. This year has been mainly distance teaching, but at times I’ve worked in the classroom and will again from September. The problem is the extreme carelessness of students (and some teachers) with regard to any of the social distancing and hygiene rules. It’s virtually impossible to keep any distance from them, and they’re pulling down masks and sneezing and coughing. The authorities often are not sympathetic and put far too many students in the same rooms (we’ve classes with up to 50 students).

It’s genuinely worrying. I’ll be going in for a dissertation viva on Thursday and I don’t know what sort of room I’ll be in, or how serious the other participants will be about covid.
Have you had a vaccine at all, just wondering about your thoughts on the protection it offers?

I don't know what CLL is, sorry.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Lecturing is in doors and in often in poorly ventilated buildings. Anyone who has worked in a university knows how quickly viruses spread through the sheer number of face to face contacts with people from around the globe. Last time I looked, bike racing is outside. Distancing is possible.

it’s a matter of risk.



Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Fair enough, this is a serious question now.

What fears have you got with kids of that age given the thoughts on Covid in toddlers?

Worried they'll pass it on to you I guess?
As I've said, it's not all about me. I'm worried for them if they catch it, I'm worried for me and my wife, parents, in-laws if they pass it on. I'm worried for the teachers and for the other children, I'm worried for the other parents, grandparents and guardians. I'm worried for the potential for mixing and for new variants developing and spreading via schools into the wider community.
Lecturing is in doors and in often in poorly ventilated buildings. Anyone who has worked in a university knows how quickly viruses spread through the sheer number of face to face contacts with people from around the globe. Last time I looked, bike racing is outside. Distancing is possible.

it’s a matter of risk.
If you knew for definite that "I will Die" if you caught Covid would you risk being exposed anywhere, indoors or outdoors?

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
As I've said, it's not all about me. I'm worried for them if they catch it, I'm worried for me and my wife, parents, in-laws if they pass it on. I'm worried for the teachers and for the other children, I'm worried for the other parents, grandparents and guardians. I'm worried for the potential for mixing and for new variants developing and spreading via schools into the wider community.

Well, I really have no answer then.

As that is the case, and try to avoid saying 'not what Boris is suggesting', what would be your, say 5 point, plan to get us out of this situation?

A positive, achievable, 5 point plan to get us back to some sort of 'normal' way of life.
As I've said, it's not all about me. I'm worried for them if they catch it, I'm worried for me and my wife, parents, in-laws if they pass it on. I'm worried for the teachers and for the other children, I'm worried for the other parents, grandparents and guardians. I'm worried for the potential for mixing and for new variants developing and spreading via schools into the wider community.
What you're saying just doesn't stack up though does it?

You keep your kids away from their Grandparents so they're safe, you and your wife have been vaccinated ( I guess?) you can stay in for the rest of your life if you want so never come into contact with anyone.

At what stage will you feel comfortable?
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