COVID Vaccine !

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Simple in ways.
Like many medications, identical in every way, bar the brand name its licensed under, Covishield hasn't been tested let alone approved for use in Europe.

It's not something that has just been sprung on them.

Batch numbers* are:
4120Z001, 4120Z002 and 4120Z003.

*And should be on the card they gave you, as well as on your records.

Oh, I've had batch 4210Z003, that's me not going to Spain. Fark em, Wales will do. :laugh:

Second was a PV number
Thanks for your concern, and regarding our run-ins, at the end of the day we're just a couple of dickheads talking bollocks on the internet really.

I appreciate what you're saying about responsibility, but the fact that people are breaking the rules is not an argument for relaxing them. You might say it's the fault of the bloke faking the tests but there should be a structure in place to make sure that doesn't happen. If it can't be put in place, or if people are going to find ways around it then nobody gets to watch the football. We say this to infant school children don't we, 'you're spoiling it for everyone else'. That's what this bloke is doing except the consequences, the way he's spoiling it, potentially involves the death of him and his loved ones, as well as goodness knows who else.

We do need to take responsibility and look after ourselves and each other, because we can be damn sure this government isn't going to. There's a huge difference between acknowledging that people will die and therefore we have to stick to restrictions for a bit longer, and acknowledging that people will die but we're gonna lift restrictions anyway.

We as a society and a community need to work together, hence my plea to be safe and sensible regardless of what we are 'allowed' to do. This is not over by a long way.


Ah well, never mind...


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
This was met another round of the government can't allow this to happen/it's shocking. No, that isn't Boris or Chris or any of them, it is the nobhead caller who simply lied because he wanted to watch the football. If he had infected you, would it be his fault or the governments?
Both. One duty of government is to protect its citizens against what you call "nobheads" and I call "killers", whether brandishing knives or viruses.

It just seems so needless to go ideological and derestrict so much in the middle of summer when we seem so close with vaccines. We know that the likes of that guy are out there but it seems like government don't know, don't care or are unwilling to upset him.

It's really hard, but at some point, as a society we have to stop being selfish and take responsibility not only for ourselves but for our fellow citizens as well.
Go on, then: how do we take responsibility for "nobhead"? Sounds like a call for covidgilantes to return!


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
We have to stop being selfish and take responsibility, so here's an example of a bloke doing the exact polar farking opposite of that.

Give me strength.


self serving virtue signaller
For maybe the first time since this all began I'm scared. Properly scared. I don't want us to have squandered our chance to get on top of this

I get the reaction, and I think it's understandable, but by the standards of the last two waves, this one will not be as harmful overall. And for vaccinated people like yourself, it's near certain to be much less risky.

For unvaccinated vulnerable people, given the huge prevalence envisaged, it could be very risky. But most of them are black, poor, and highly unlikely to vote Tory, so who cares?

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
We should tell people that drink driving is bad, take personal responsibility and repeal the law against it.

Or do it the other way, the way it is being suggested here against Covid.

We tell people drink driving is bad and ban all cars until it can be proved no-one will drink drive ever again, which we can't do until we let people drive cars again, which we can't do because someone may drink drive.


Legendary Member

“I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation." – Women’s Own, 31 October 1987.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Meanwhile I've just watched a clip of the PM's press conference and it's made me feel sick. Actually physically sick. Here I am doing what I can do, contributing in my own tiny way to try and improve the situation and he's going to rip it all away. People will die he says and we need to reconcile ourselves to that. He says he can lift restrictions because of the vaccine.

As a participant in the trial, admittedly a tiny cog in a very large machine, I'd like to say not in my name and not on my behalf. I did not volunteer for this trial to have it all taken away by him and I do not support his actions or the lifting of restrictions one tiny bit. Not at all.

Please everyone, no matter what the legal situation is, stay safe and stay sensible. For maybe the first time since this all began I'm scared. Properly scared. I don't want us to have squandered our chance to get on top of this.

We have to stop being selfish and take responsibility, so here's an example of a bloke doing the exact polar farking opposite of that.

Give me strength.

People are selfish. This is exactly what will happen when restrictions are lifted.

@winjim - thank you for doing the trial. I'm just as scared as you are, primarily because if I catch a serious dose of this I'm dead. No if or maybe. Dead.

I've been careful for 18 months, even when I've been at race events with my son. It's the selfish idiots who now have every reason to do what they like which mean my risk level just went sky-high.

My work will now want me back in a classroom full of students. And I'll have to find a way to manage it.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
You don't take responsibility for nobhead, he takes what he sees as responsibility, you take what precautions you see as sensible.
And fark business that will be harmed by people wanting to avoid nobhead?

I think imprisoning nobhead for the duration is sensible, but I bet government would try to stop me.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I get the reaction, and I think it's understandable, but by the standards of the last two waves, this one will not be as harmful overall. And for vaccinated people like yourself, it's near certain to be much less risky.

For unvaccinated vulnerable people, given the huge prevalence envisaged, it could be very risky. But most of them are black, poor, and highly unlikely to vote Tory, so who cares?
I guess I'm not as scared of this 'wave' and the immediate death rate as such. Last year I knew there would be death, and risk, and although I think the government made some terrible decisions, and more people died than should have, there was the feeling that we were doing something. The vaccine was on its way, people were all pulling together, there was a sense of community.

Now though, it's the sense of helplessness. I've done everything in my power. It's not much, but I've done it. I'm not going to pretend I took part in the vaccine trial for entirely altruistic reasons, I certainly considered the benefit to myself and my immediate family, but I did want to do my bit in the wider fight against the virus. People I know are doing the same, be it the vaccine trial, SIREN study, LFD testing etc. Wife was breastfeeding so couldn't take part but she's been recording everything for the King's College symptom tracker. Everybody's been doing something.

Our children haven't seen their grandparents. Our parents haven't seen their grandchildren. We've spent money on childcare keeping our children out of school, we've masked, we've distanced, we've stayed at home, we've done everything we possibly could. I'm also aware that other people have made far greater sacrifices and given more than I would ever be able to.

And now, just as it feels we might be about to turn a corner, just as we have the chance to really get on top of things, we've got this crucial battle between the vaccine and the variants, we've done all we possibly can, and the people in power, the people who are supposed to keep us safe, the people we elect to keep us safe, the people we pay to keep us safe, are not doing so. And there's nothing more we can do. I have no more ability to affect the outcome. Both the PM and the health secretary have basically come out and said we're lifting restrictions, we all have to learn to live and die with a rampaging, mutating deadly virus in our midst and that's that. My fate, that of my family and of all of us is now beyond my control, or that's what it feels like. And I'm scared for all of us.

Apologies for the loser length post. TL-DR, it's the loss of power and handing over control to people I don't believe have our best interests at heart which scares me.
A bit dramatic don't you think?

I've said before it's people's perception of fear and what they've been doing through all this, why haven't your kids seen their Grandparents for example?
Why have you kept your kids off school?

I assume you and their Grandparents have had both jabs by now?

Plus, you can just carry on doing what you've been doing anyway.

Stay in, wear masks, keep them off school etc etc.

Why the panic?
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Craig the cyclist

Über Member
And fark business that will be harmed by people wanting to avoid nobhead?
What about all the businesses that are being put to the sword by staying shut? You are happy with them to go to the wall?

I think imprisoning nobhead for the duration is sensible, but I bet government would try to stop me.
Great idea, I guess the only issue is deciding who exactly are we imprisoning? Is it the bloke on the radio who went to the football, anyone who went to a bike race he didn't need to go to despite the risk, anyone who won't take the vaccine, people who travel on public transport but won't wear a mask, you? Once inside, how long do we lock them up for? Until they die or until we cure Covid? When they are inside, who looks after them? I worry you haven't thought this through.
How about all the people who refuse to have a vaccine, get them banged up for starters!

Oh, hang on, it's the Government's fault for not doing enough to 'encourage ' them to have the jab.
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