Wow, that is quite a reaction you had there. I hope you feel better soon, and that the anxiety lifts.
I know we have had our run-ins, but seriously, I hope it calms for you soon.
However, I have to say that I missed the bit where he made face coverings illegal and told everyone to go round licking each other. We do have to regain a sense of some kind of return to 'normal', and we do have to begin to take responsibility for ourselves. On the radio last week a bloke phoned in who had gone to the football at Wembley. He was asked at the turnstile if he had done a negative test and he said yes he had. He was ringing in and said 'but I hadn't I had lied'. The presenter was appalled, not at the lie, but at the government for not enforcing things, so he asked the caller what he would have done if he had been asked to prove it on the app, and the caller said he had that covered because 'I just opened up a test and put those details in as negative, I didn't do the test though' This was met another round of the government can't allow this to happen/it's shocking. No, that isn't Boris or Chris or any of them, it is the nobhead caller who simply lied because he wanted to watch the football. If he had infected you, would it be his fault or the governments?
It's really hard, but at some point, as a society we have to stop being selfish and take responsibility not only for ourselves but for our fellow citizens as well. People will die, if he hadn't acknowledged that he would have been ridiculed too. Sadly some people are just in a loop of government bashing for anything. Only a few months the teaching unions were saying schools shouldn't be reopened, now they are saying we shouldn't be bubbling and sending people home!
It's really sad to read the reaction he has had on you, but we do have to find our way through this in some way or other, or we are really stuck.