COVID Vaccine !

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Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Interesting decision by the EU to not recognise any AZ jabs made in India. This will cause a bit of chaos as it is on batch numbers, and you won't know which batches affected as a patient.

What are they playing at now eh?
As @classic33 said, it's on your card. But if you have the NHS app, (not the Covid one), you can see the batch number in your vaccination record.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
2nd Pfizer jab done, had anti vax people handing out leaflets at the exit!!! 🤣


Über Member
As I understand it, the EU hasn't made a decision to not approve the Indian made AV vaccine, it's just that this factory has not supplied to EU so there has been no reason for them to consider approval.

The affected batch numbers are known and your NHS app (or vacc card) will tell you which batch you have received.
Yep, easy enough to find.


I thought the work around was that the AZ vaccine is called Vaxzevria when used in the UK (even if made in India) so recognised under that name in thr EU.

Or didn't that ruse work in the end?

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
I thought the work around was that the AZ vaccine is called Vaxzevria when used in the UK (even if made in India) so recognised under that name in thr EU.

Or didn't that ruse work in the end?

It's all done on batch numbers, not the name of the product. There is work going on right now around this, despite how it seems from other posts, it isn't that easy!


Leg End Member
It's all done on batch numbers, not the name of the product. There is work going on right now around this, despite how it seems from other posts, it isn't that easy!
Thing is batch numbers are never tested prior to approval in the field. They test the actual medication, then either approve for use or not allow the use.

Batch numbers are on nearly all medications these days, for the end user to find.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Thing is batch numbers are never tested prior to approval in the field. They test the actual medication, then either approve for use or not allow the use.

Batch numbers are on nearly all medications these days, for the end user to find.

Thanks for that.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
So a year has passed since my first vaccine dose, the last swab has been taken and the trial's all done. Just a final clinic visit to go. It seems weird to think back to what was going on a year ago and realise just how far we've come.


There's still more to be done so I'm back in later this month for the next study, which is a trial of a booster dose against the 'South Africa' variant. Here we go again...


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Meanwhile I've just watched a clip of the PM's press conference and it's made me feel sick. Actually physically sick. Here I am doing what I can do, contributing in my own tiny way to try and improve the situation and he's going to rip it all away. People will die he says and we need to reconcile ourselves to that. He says he can lift restrictions because of the vaccine.

As a participant in the trial, admittedly a tiny cog in a very large machine, I'd like to say not in my name and not on my behalf. I did not volunteer for this trial to have it all taken away by him and I do not support his actions or the lifting of restrictions one tiny bit. Not at all.

Please everyone, no matter what the legal situation is, stay safe and stay sensible. For maybe the first time since this all began I'm scared. Properly scared. I don't want us to have squandered our chance to get on top of this.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Meanwhile I've just watched a clip of the PM's press conference and it's made me feel sick. Actually physically sick. Here I am doing what I can do, contributing in my own tiny way to try and improve the situation and he's going to rip it all away. People will die he says and we need to reconcile ourselves to that. He says he can lift restrictions because of the vaccine.

As a participant in the trial, admittedly a tiny cog in a very large machine, I'd like to say not in my name and not on my behalf. I did not volunteer for this trial to have it all taken away by him and I do not support his actions or the lifting of restrictions one tiny bit. Not at all.

Please everyone, no matter what the legal situation is, stay safe and stay sensible. For maybe the first time since this all began I'm scared. Properly scared. I don't want us to have squandered our chance to get on top of this.

Wow, that is quite a reaction you had there. I hope you feel better soon, and that the anxiety lifts.

I know we have had our run-ins, but seriously, I hope it calms for you soon.

However, I have to say that I missed the bit where he made face coverings illegal and told everyone to go round licking each other. We do have to regain a sense of some kind of return to 'normal', and we do have to begin to take responsibility for ourselves. On the radio last week a bloke phoned in who had gone to the football at Wembley. He was asked at the turnstile if he had done a negative test and he said yes he had. He was ringing in and said 'but I hadn't I had lied'. The presenter was appalled, not at the lie, but at the government for not enforcing things, so he asked the caller what he would have done if he had been asked to prove it on the app, and the caller said he had that covered because 'I just opened up a test and put those details in as negative, I didn't do the test though' This was met another round of the government can't allow this to happen/it's shocking. No, that isn't Boris or Chris or any of them, it is the nobhead caller who simply lied because he wanted to watch the football. If he had infected you, would it be his fault or the governments?

It's really hard, but at some point, as a society we have to stop being selfish and take responsibility not only for ourselves but for our fellow citizens as well. People will die, if he hadn't acknowledged that he would have been ridiculed too. Sadly some people are just in a loop of government bashing for anything. Only a few months the teaching unions were saying schools shouldn't be reopened, now they are saying we shouldn't be bubbling and sending people home!

It's really sad to read the reaction he has had on you, but we do have to find our way through this in some way or other, or we are really stuck.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Wow, that is quite a reaction you had there. I hope you feel better soon, and that the anxiety lifts.

I know we have had our run-ins, but seriously, I hope it calms for you soon.

However, I have to say that I missed the bit where he made face coverings illegal and told everyone to go round licking each other. We do have to regain a sense of some kind of return to 'normal', and we do have to begin to take responsibility for ourselves. On the radio last week a bloke phoned in who had gone to the football at Wembley. He was asked at the turnstile if he had done a negative test and he said yes he had. He was ringing in and said 'but I hadn't I had lied'. The presenter was appalled, not at the lie, but at the government for not enforcing things, so he asked the caller what he would have done if he had been asked to prove it on the app, and the caller said he had that covered because 'I just opened up a test and put those details in as negative, I didn't do the test though' This was met another round of the government can't allow this to happen/it's shocking. No, that isn't Boris or Chris or any of them, it is the nobhead caller who simply lied because he wanted to watch the football. If he had infected you, would it be his fault or the governments?

It's really hard, but at some point, as a society we have to stop being selfish and take responsibility not only for ourselves but for our fellow citizens as well. People will die, if he hadn't acknowledged that he would have been ridiculed too. Sadly some people are just in a loop of government bashing for anything. Only a few months the teaching unions were saying schools shouldn't be reopened, now they are saying we shouldn't be bubbling and sending people home!

It's really sad to read the reaction he has had on you, but we do have to find our way through this in some way or other, or we are really stuck.

I appreciate what you're saying about responsibility, but the fact that people are breaking the rules is not an argument for relaxing them. You might say it's the fault of the bloke faking the tests but there should be a structure in place to make sure that doesn't happen. If it can't be put in place, or if people are going to find ways around it then nobody gets to watch the football. We say this to infant school children don't we, 'you're spoiling it for everyone else'. That's what this bloke is doing except the consequences, the way he's spoiling it, potentially involves the death of him and his loved ones, as well as goodness knows who else.

We do need to take responsibility and look after ourselves and each other, because we can be damn sure this government isn't going to. There's a huge difference between acknowledging that people will die and therefore we have to stick to restrictions for a bit longer, and acknowledging that people will die but we're gonna lift restrictions anyway.

We as a society and a community need to work together, hence my plea to be safe and sensible regardless of what we are 'allowed' to do. This is not over by a long way.
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