I've seen 'sheeple ' used numerous times on here to describe folk who went to the pub when they opened for example.
It seems to be selective what's acceptable and what isn't.
From either side it’s not acceptable.
I have said some pretty harsh things to relatives for calling my wife a paid actress a puppet of big pharma etc
I cut the line when I was asked by a relative if my health insurance was paid up as my kids would need it, but not to worry they will look after them as my slave muzzle and snake oil vaccine wasn’t working, my verbal response I can’t print here but it was a reaction, maybe not a troll but his comments are pretty toxic.
Just look up vax denial and family issues it’s rife, but the more toxic party tend to be the anti vax supporters.
Also the logic they apply is flawed, this is the only vaccine that doesn’t offer 100% immunity so you give them other examples of vaccines not being 100% and it’s flawed data as it’s not an independent but a official source so it’s can’t be trusted.
The latest pseudoscience is vaccinated people shed MRNA spike proteins, some vaccines shed, rotavirus does for a few weeks sure, but you can’t generalise every vaccine.
But hey least I saw a hole in my will and spoke with the people who hold it to change it.