COVID Vaccine !

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Our neighbours all had C19 at the end of last year. The husband, with a preexisting heart condition, black and early sixties was in bad shape, nearly admitted to hospital twice, but recovered OK and no lasting effects. The wife, early fifties and without underlying health conditions took over two months to get to some semblance of normality, and has developed a heart arrhythmia, which most likely is due to C19.

So yeah, it is obviously all psychological...
an 18 year-old who may never walk again after a major stroke
barely able to get around the house
a heart arrhythmia,

<sarcasm font on> These are, clearly, all entirely psychological. It's very easily proven. Nowt to do with C-19 infection at all, anyone can see that. <sarcasm font off>

The problem is that an awful lot of people actually believe this nonsense, and worse. No, I'll change my wording there, it's not mere 'nonsense' any more, it's reached the point where it's evil, manipulative, insulting lies.


I have heard from good authority that there’s a strong link between mental health and long covid. It’s often being treated as neurological. That doesn’t mean it’s all in the mind. Nor does it mean it’s not very real. Nor does it mean this is true in all cases.
But I have heard there’s often a link to people with previous mental health issues.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
All this is wildly off topic: this is the 'vaccine' thread. There's a perfectly good one for 'Coronavirus'. But @Landsurfer posted on this one, and rightly away we went.
Off topic: @markemark - it would be useful to support your hearsay with a reputable source. Your message associates Long Covid with "previous mental health issues", which may be both untrue and deeply unhelpful. May be true of course - in which case link to 'good authority' please.


All this is wildly off topic: this is the 'vaccine' thread. There's a perfectly good one for 'Coronavirus'. But @Landsurfer posted on this one, and rightly away we went.
Off topic: @markemark - it would be useful to support your hearsay with a reputable source. Your message associates Long Covid with "previous mental health issues", which may be both untrue and deeply unhelpful. May be true of course - in which case link to 'good authority' please.
With difficulty. My wife is a service manager for an nhs trust. She doesn’t deal with long covid but works closely with a team that does. Also a good friend of mine is an nhs clinical psychologist and is getting referrals of new and existing service users. Nothing conclusive for sure but i take it as a good authority but that’s because they are known to me.

Worth pointing out again, I carefully did not call it psychological conditions but neurological. There’s a big difference.
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I have heard from good authority that there’s a strong link between mental health and long covid. It’s often being treated as neurological. That doesn’t mean it’s all in the mind. Nor does it mean it’s not very real. Nor does it mean this is true in all cases.
But I have heard there’s often a link to people with previous mental health issues.

Neurological does not mean the same as psychological.

Neurological conditions are conditions such as brain injury, spinal cord injury, epilepsy, motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy etc etc etc. Stroke, brain haemorrhage and encephalitis are just three of the many types of acquired brain injury. None of these are psychiatric or psychological conditions, although, as with any disease, injury or illness, psychiatric or psychological illness may - or may not - be associated with the physical one.
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An Peanut
On the neurological side this might be of interest

However, it is nothing to do with the bollocks posted by @Landsurfer


ME is now regularly being treated by the NHS as neurological and my understanding is that some of the symptoms are similar to Long Covid. I wonder whether in the future ME might be discovered to be some sort of Long <Another Covid-like Virus>
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Mod Note:
We seem to have gone off topic a wee bit: this thread is about the vaccine, please use the main coronavirus thread for posts about long corona.
Can I also please remind posters to add a reputable link if stating a fact about the corona virus topic?
If no reputable link is available, please add "this is my opinion" or similar, to your comment.
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