Not "didn't deserve" so much as "shouldn't be a higher priority than".
I agree NHS funding is insufficient and uneven; it could be a discussion in its own thread
But funding shortages usually relate to services other than vaccination, particularly Covid19 vaccination which has had seen plenty of cash spaffed at it.
In the context of this thread, I think funding is not very relevant, and I stiill think it it wrong to infer prioritisation from the list of hub locations.
Tiers are transient measurements hence frequent reviews, and therefore should not be a factor in choice of long-term decisions such as location of vaccination hubs.
If Boston is spiking again, then the urgent response is a high tier; and that's working - the infection rate has been falling for several days. Hopefully it will continue.
Vaccination couldn't possibly work that quickly, but given enough time it should have a bigger effect.
My keywork puts me at high risk of contracting Covid . I worry less about my health than that of my parents - they are both pushing 80 and one of them has a centenarian parent still going. Everyone knows vulnerable friends & family like the above. I'm keeping clear of my family, if I see them at Christmas it'll be a socially-distanced outdoor walk, not indoor gatherings or parties.
My sugestion to all vulnerable people is the same. Do everything you can to minimise or avoid going outside. It's only one Christmas. Use the phone to keep in touch. Socially distanced visits if essential, but take responsibility for your own health and don't listen to Boris.