The vaccines are amazing and numbers even smaller than a million can make a very efficient difference (to deaths and hospitalisations) and this has been posted months ago. We aren't anywhere near 1 million people being 28 days later. Otherwise I'd be the first to say this is awesome, don't worry quite so much. If you believe news sources then it's something like 50-100,000 people have been vaccinated with 1 dose and after 12 days it'll start revving the immune system to a fair old whack. Tranche 1 is 400,000 people.
But semantically we're not really talking about deaths. Semantically people are talking about a variety of other things like 'getting back to normal' or 'fewer restrictions' or being like 'last summer' etc. People are talking about the state of things. By about February/March the vaccine should have a noticeable effect on deaths and hospitalisations, but to pluck out made up numbers will say 150 people still be dying a day of covid in February and March? I expect so. So what happens then? Do we have the tiers running till early April as bojo has hinted? Yep.
I post the numbers and the graphic mostly because I don't think people appreciate the numbers as it's not communicated clearly by the media until relatively recently. Something I've heard loads of loads of times the last nine months is about asthma. Another one on the tv people have got awfully upset about is family carers. That's sadly not likely to happen either

I am of the JVT and John Edmunds view that it will become endemic, it will be seasonal and the virus will be here 'forever more'.