You are feeling sorry for yourself, it's not an argument to be won or lost it's my opinion compared to yours and the reason I think you've got that opinion.
Why is nearly everything an opinion and not experience or in some cases facts?
You are feeling sorry for yourself, it's not an argument to be won or lost it's my opinion compared to yours and the reason I think you've got that opinion.
The fella is saying in his opinion he's being 'thrown under the bus ' and the decision is wrong to ease restrictions until everyone is vaccinated, isn't that HIS opinion?Why is nearly everything an opinion and not experience or in some cases facts?
I'm sorry but saying 'I'm not in a priority group I'm in the thrown under the bus group ' cries out as a bit of self pity in my book.Isn't the situation bad enough, without having to resort to personal insults!
As I've said, I've three conditions that could kill me quicker, than this. It's a minor irritation for me.I'm sorry but saying 'I'm not in a priority group I'm in the thrown under the bus group ' cries out as a bit of self pity in my book.
If someone said that in a pub during a conversation what would your response be?
Sorry, I'm not used to this sort of overreacting.
The fella is saying in his opinion he's being 'thrown under the bus ' and the decision is wrong to ease restrictions until everyone is vaccinated, isn't that HIS opinion?
It isn't fact is it?
I'm sorry but saying 'I'm not in a priority group I'm in the thrown under the bus group ' cries out as a bit of self pity in my book.
If someone said that in a pub during a conversation what would your response be?
Sorry, I'm not used to this sort of overreacting.
So the conclusion is the timescale for lifting all restrictions is obviously wrong. There is no good reason to do it. Just lift them enough to get the economy running again. This lifting all restrictions prematurely step just seems to be another sop from Boris to his core base, like the Christmas covid-spreading craziness which killed so many and put us into this long, damaging lockdown.We can't vaccinate everyone before restrictions are eased, as we cannot vaccinate those under 18 on the timescales discussed.
So the conclusion is the timescale for lifting all restrictions is obviously wrong. There is no good reason to do it. Just lift them enough to get the economy running again. This lifting all restrictions prematurely step just seems to be another sop from Boris to his core base, like the Christmas covid-spreading craziness which killed so many and put us into this long, damaging lockdown.
And it ain't just me. There are millions of us in the bus group.
Sorry haven't read all 177 pages but vac numbers seem low at the moment, are we having supply issues, nobody saying much on the news just giving the daily number.
1) By the time the programme gets to the extremely low risk 16 and 17 year olds (maybe in August before start of term in September) the Oxford-AZ age 5-18 trial will have delivered results. The reason why that vaccine is not authorised for under 18s is that the clinical trial (Jul-Oct) population did not include under 18s, by design, so there's no trial evidence of efficacy or safety. Provided the trial started last week gives positive satisfactory results, the doses will be there when their turn comes. This assumes the precedence is going to match roughly vulnerability with age as the easy metric and that the vaccination rate averages 400k per day (well below this last week, as expected/predicted).The politicians have . . . not been clear, perhaps for political reasons when they expect to vaccinate 14-17 year olds or younger. However, they could actually vaccinate 16 and 17 year olds by saving Pfizer supply for that age group. It'd be a very messy decision, but one that would be in the best interests of the country, even though it sucks if you're 14 or 15.
Tens of millions of us. I think some people just don't get that if you're under 50 (not even got that far yet) the virus, especially B117, will just spread like wildfire in the other half/two thirds of the population (depending on dates) with barely any difference if you open everything up, as the top third of the population in particular includes many that don't interact as much with the other two thirds and sadly certainly haven't the last year.
I don't even know when my age group will be done but I'll be out the first opportunity in April jab or not, I won't be relying on a vaccination.
Maybe the JCVI, having set its list by vulnerability for the first phase (NB half the population over age 3) will set the next priorities to focus on the 'interacting' cohort responsible per capita for most of the transmission (is that the 18-30s? or might that be employment based?).
See the Scottish supply graph: numbers seem low at the moment, are we having supply issues