Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
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- mostly Norfolk, sometimes Somerset
Great for the young healthy person, but pretty shoot for me. I'm not that young any more and I've multiple chronic illnesses, which is why I describe myself as part of the group being thrown under the bus.At some point, we have to take some risks. The risk by June should be tolerable for a young healthy person.
Except that it was a less infectious, less deadly variant last summer and people were very cautious about restarting activities - until they weren't, and that plus schools let things really kick off again.There will still be the virus, it's not going to go away, but we should be in a far better position than last summer, when it didn't run riot.
30'000 more deaths, they said yesterday.We have to accept the fact that there will still be infections and some deaths,
There is a space between "continued lockdown" and "remove all legal limits". It is false to pretend that we can only do one extreme or the other.but also that continued lockdown is not financially viable and will contribute to more death, terrible outcomes for kids and horrible mental health issues.
You know what will really be not financially viable, with terrible outcomes for kids and horrible mental health issues? A fourth wave and/or a vaccine-resistant variant arising from the unnecessarily high level of cases enabled by this plan.
Never mind suggestions that Boris is being controlled by Dom or Bill Gates's microchips: it sometimes looks like he's being controlled by some remnant of covid! Maybe it got into his brain and took over?