I would love to see some up to date figures on who is getting the vaccine. I know locally at least 5 people in their 40s with no clinical need who have had their first dose. A couple of NHS backroom staff who work from home almost exclusively and a 3 volunteers at a local vaccination centre. One of them even called me up and offered a dose if I could get down within the next 30 minutes. Surely, like flights they could just overbook by a small percentage rather than dragging randoms off the street.
I understand that Head NHS addressed this head on last week. He said that all centres should assemble and maintain a list of eligible (ie over 80s or others in Groups 1 and 2) who could be called on at short notice to come and take a vaccine, at the end of each day. And that that list should NOT be randoms: it needed to be people in Groups 1 and 2 (maybe implied at a stretch people from Groups 3 and 4). NB This will be easier with the increased and independent mobility of O/75s.
There is a natural and proper reluctance not to 'waste' doses (so give them to whomever we can 'get in'), but there are also communication/PR issues if this is not handled as well as it could be. I guess the additional effort to do that has to be balanced against everything else to make the campaign a success. The numbers vaccinated outside the first 4 groups will be miniscule, but each of those allows a 'look at what's going wrong' story (which I know was not your thrust,
@Milkfloat ).
Part of the framework is that (talking GP surgeries here) primary care go out of their way, year in, year out, to look after people. So the idea of inviting a surplus to attend (aka overbooking) and then turning a few away at the end of the day (or when supplies run out) is an anathema. You'd never do that in normal times. But better that all the doses available go into O/70 arms and a few are disappointed each day (with a stab promise the following day I suggest), than doses are wasted, heaven forbid disposed of (which Head NHS did not suggest).
Note for my GP surgery: I can ride down to you in about 3 minutes with 3 minutes warning. You have my phone number.