How are prisons managing this so well? Or is it lack of testing? I don't know but they are cramped, don't have live in staff, deliveries come and go, tradesman work in and out daily.
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Here spokes someone who as not got a clue. The simple answer is it's been down to luck than anything else. Most of the prison estate is still locked down. Out of cell time is 30 mins a day if lucky in many placers. Most visiting is off and the limited amount is none contact most visitors won't come for fear of bringing the virus with them. Most inter prison transfers have stopped so less prison to prison mixing.
Most education , training , offender support are all off so no external partner staff are going in. Only outsiders going into the main areas of the prison are members of the ambulance service. The only other outsider with any regular prison contact if they have any onsite provision is the dentist and dental nurse. Who stay in dental area. Some prisons may have onside x-ray but again they stay in that room. All of whom wear PPE as do all prison health care staff. If a prisoner can be treated on site they are only going out when they have to. As with most people hospital outpatient appointments are hardly happening either.
Deliveries go to stores which is no way near the rest of the prison you can't just call in with stuff.Tradesman don't come and go and even when they do call they are not able to move to freely around the place.
Every new prisoner is screened by health care as they always are. Not by a machine that go's ping but a HCP so possible covid can be quickly picked up before they get though the door. All new prisoners are isolated (or should be) for 14 days. Before they move onto the wings any possible cases are isolated and checked daily by health care. That chart is not including any staff cases which have been running high for some time. All at risk health wise prisoners are checked daily by health care anyway, many have taken action to isolate themselves anyway. Some prisons have moved them and isolated them in bubbles that stay together. Public health information is all over the place they don't have to rely on Borris for it but ask health professionals straight out.
The luck is starting to run out Lowdham Grange and Barlinnie are showing that. Going on one week proves nothing cases have been happening since the start.
Above all it's been to some shear bloody hard work by staff to keep numbers low.