Ride It Like You Stole It!
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- South Manchester
Far too late. The incubation period has well and truly passed...
That's my colleagues feeling ! If NHS have said that, work will expect her in

Far too late. The incubation period has well and truly passed...
I would be interested to know.......A colleague opposite me just said her husband had literally arrived in Italy to go Skiing on Saturday (not in a 'hotspot' as of Saturday). He's not been allowed to Ski, and is being sent home tomorrow. Two weeks isolation, and she is checking with HR if she will have to work from home/isolate as well.
I would be interested to know.......
Who is making him come back ie italian govt, etc ??
Will his insurance cover him?
I watched Newsnight last night who had managed to get an interview with the leading virologist and epidemiologist Nigel Farage. It good to see that serious news programmes are listening to the experts.
Does anyone know if one of the symptons of COVID-19 is a weird pandering to right-wing populists?
PS : The only upside to Newsight interviewing Farage is seeing him berate Johnson for inaction only to squirm around when asked exactly the same questions about Trump and his batshit utterances.
Farage is a master of working himself into the narrative. During the interview he said if there was a lot of cases in the UK traced back to returnees from N Italy there would be hell to pay. Meaning that if there were he would look all smug whilst replaying the interview over and over again, but if there wasn't no-one would remember what he said.
What conceivable reason was there for interviewing him on coronavirus? Seems bizarre.
What conceivable reason was there for interviewing him on coronavirus? Seems bizarre.
Read what I and others have said go into lock down early and all we do is kick the can down the road.Locking everyone away for weeks is will not make this go away like magic. For part of today I'm over seeing a mock exam. For 2 hours I'm in room with over 200 Students. Will I be wearing gloves , apron and mask ? ... No PPE for most is just a waste of time again many on here have tried to explain why. Will I be washing my hands before, after and before food.....Yes during the exam will I be using the hand gel .... Yes. Will I be coughing all over the place... No. Will I stand in the corner in fear of everyone ... No. I'd have to stand next to ever student or staff member a 15 mins minimum. To risk anything.
It is charming that you follow Boris' guideline without question, but are you aware that you are acting against WHO guideline, which clearly says people should practice social distancing at all stages (see page 2, and links thereof) because of the virus.
I don't know if "lockdown" has a single definition , but social distancing can range from draconian to laissez faire to some sensible compromise in between, but the objective is to minimise interpersonal transmission to keep more people alive, by avoiding non-essential contacts where possible, so that the number of infected does not overwhelm the healthcare system, like what has already happened in Italy, undoubtedly what is happening in Iran, and what happened in Wuhan initially.
Take a moment to think about it, and ask yourself these questions:
1) Is washing hands while singing Happy Birthday going to stop the exponential growth of infected?
2) If the answer to 1) is no, is it not just a matter of time (actually days) the number of infected will hit thousand(s) without social distancing?
3) Isn't it blindingly obvious that more lives will be saved, and indeed quicker for a higher degree of normality to return, and hence less economic/social downside, when the number of infected can be much lower, preferably in low hundreds e.g., rather than thousands?
4) Given fewer infected means less negatives on all counts, why delay social distancing? It is not as if letting the number of infected grow untempered is a real choice, is it?
If you disagree, please explain why not telling schools to close, telling people to work from home where possible, or banning all mass sporting/leisure gatherings etc.?
In other words, why letting the problem mushroom, causing the inevitable firefighting in the NHS is your preference? How would letting the problem magnify exponentially make recovery quicker and causing less economic damage to all concerned?
In Hongkong and Macau, they practised social distancing as stated above since late January. They have managed to control the number of infected to c120 for a highly densely populated place of 8 millions, without ever overwhelming either tracking efforts or the healthcare system, and only 3 died.
The thing to remember, is even if new infection can be stopped completely today, the number of infected identified will continue to grow exponentially for about a week (because it takes time for symptoms to appear and hence detected) - i.e. in practice we have hit c1000 already. What exactly are we waiting for?
So by the same token we could close schools and ban large public gatherings (I suspect we are getting close to these now). Beyond that we could stop it in its tracks like HK has done by voluntarily applying social distancing and washing our hands.