The measures are designed to expose predominantly young people who are less likely to be hospitalised. This is herd immunity by the backdoor. The rate of infection has slowed significantly and this only helps push the projected 2nd wave further into autumn or worse, winter with the associated strains on the NHS. Getting a few more through it now whilst there’s NHS capacity is a cynical way to serve the economic imperative to get us off support and back paying tax. And if you’re one of the ‘vulnerable’ groups, so be it, you probably, on balance, are a net drain on the economy, costing society at every turn. We (Government) will mourn you for a suitable period but in the end the herd is stronger, back working, paying tax and serving offerings up to our Capitalist god!
Cynical? Yes!
Those with money thrive on change and turmoil in the markets. There is no ‘crash’ for them. Austerity is something the plebs do. If they lose their home we buy it cheap, we cut their wages “ if you want a job that’s the new pay scale”, if the independent shop goes to the wall the multinational company is there to fill the space, local coffee shop becomes Costa/Starbucks, corner shop, Tesco.
We’re being played for mugs! Even the briefings with their choreographed Q&A sessions. Notice Boris takes the last ( in the memory) ‘good news’ one? Yes he’s been ill, but nothing from him during the height of the deaths so as to minimise association with the omnishambles of a cabinet dealing with something that didn’t just come out of the blue ( they were warned! Pandemic wise years ago, Covid specifically Nov 2019).
Rant over!