Coronavirus outbreak

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
its increasingly clear that a vaccine is many months away and the antibody testing isn’t working either.
So the government are going to have to somehow let the virus work through the population in a controlled manner. We will end up with a second and third wave hitting us.
But there's no certainty yet that the virus will "work through the population" rather than take root, keep reinfecting and keep killing, albeit at a slower rate once the most vulnerable have died in early waves, as the WHO warned a few days ago.

That's part of the reason why the Oxford vaccine is based on another virus, believed to elevate antibodies longer.


Legendary Member
Secondly I would like to know or have announced each day the actual total number of deaths registered in the UK as well as the number attributed to covid, on average 1k to 1.5k deaths were registered every day in the UK (depending on time of year) it will be telling to see if this number as increased by 900 a day, but I suspect it won't have and the truth will go against the narrative. Of course if when stats are produced the total death rate in the UK is little altered the government will claim a great success and lock down was a brilliant idea, if on the other hand the numbers are massive then it will be people not obeying lock down that are at fault.

EuroMomo site shows excess all cause death rates for most european countries over the past few years, in relation to the baseline death rates.
It can be seen that the initial spike of the covid19 deaths is comparable to a normal seasonal spike (flu?), but it is steeper than the normal seasonal spike and it is only limited by the introduction of lockdowns, otherwise it would have continued spiking to far higher levels.
Bit of a farce though, i think we are one of the few countries where all work is acceptable rather than just essential work? Not sure if standing about in a factory is safer than sitting or sunbathing in a park


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Bit of a farce though, i think we are one of the few countries where all work is acceptable rather than just essential work? Not sure if standing about in a factory is safer than sitting or sunbathing in a park
In most factories, you're with the same people every day, but in parks, you mix with random people every time. The factory is also probably more regulated than most parksbecause idiot councils have shut them instead of marking one way systems and 2m ladders.


Resting in suspended Animation
But there's no certainty yet that the virus will "work through the population" rather than take root, keep reinfecting and keep killing, albeit at a slower rate once the most vulnerable have died in early waves, as the WHO warned a few days ago.

That's part of the reason why the Oxford vaccine is based on another virus, believed to elevate antibodies longer.

The Oxford stuff's very clever and relying on prior work and forethought and starting production before the results are in.

Say wave 2 happened around the end of September and we had peak 2 then, it's not clear what completely unrealistic perfect circumstances gets us. Say the most ridiculous assumptions imaginable happen. Say 1 million vaccines are ready and they work, they are given orderly and quickly to the most vulnerable (whatever that is, over 85s, particular groups). How many deaths does this stop? Say the true death rate is 2000 a day at the moment in this peak. With a vaccine does that get us down to 200 a day say? Or lower or higher? What happens with different regions where there are different infection rates such as Italy where there's a lot of evidence sadly now that this is the case. Can we have lockdowns of say Northern Ireland (that one's just picked as it appears thankfully to be doing slightly better) or the Scottish highlands or at local levels say half of Manchester.
I'm not a qualified epidemiologist so I find it impossible to assess, critically, the UK government's response. All I can do is wait until all ten laps have been run and then see where we came
No but lots of well qualified people are calling it out right now - are the people at WHO qualified enough for you ?
Cycled round a deserted central london yesterday.

The lamposts on Whitehall were full of these.

Not sure what they are all about/who is behind them.

Apologies for appalling pic.


Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I am not understanding the problem there.
Well,it's like this premiership footballers thing. These very wealthy clubs expect the taxpayer to pay their non playing staffs wages while they still pay their at the moment playing,but non playing players say £100,000 a week. If you can afford to pay the players that much,you can afford to pay the minimum wage groundsman or tea lady's wages as well! This is why footballers are getting it in the neck at the moment. If those wealthy clubs didn't take advantage of the furloughed scheme not many (including me) would be questioning their 'ridiculous' wages.

My point about those i've mentioned is that if they are worth £335 million they can afford to pay their staffs wages as well. Why should the taxpayer pay??!! This furloughed thing is up for abuse. Then on the other hand we have small business's that can't claim it for technicality reasons.

If you want i'll link the article for you to read. This comment following the article sums it up for me!

Doris Kent, Gravesend, Åland Islands, less than a minute ago

Typical case of taking advantage of a scheme that has been implemented to help small businesses that doesn't have that sort of capital to survive this pandemic. Greedy, selfish individuals.
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Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
its increasingly clear that a vaccine is many months away and the antibody testing isn’t working either.
So the government are going to have to somehow let the virus work through the population in a controlled manner. We will end up with a second and third wave hitting us.

I think this too. Herd immunity was the first plan and when that was deemed unacceptable this shower have sat on their hands and spouted flowery words and promises of jam tomorrow in order to abusive herd immunity by stealth.

LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
Cycled round a deserted central london yesterday.

The lamposts on Whitehall were full of these.

Not sure what they are all about/who is behind them.

Apologies for appalling pic.

View attachment 516230


(my bold)

"The Awesome Movement is to show our appreciation to everyday heroes, the people that show up when we are at our most vulnerable and need help the most. The people that risk their lives to save others and people who dedicate their lives to care for us all.

The movement is not just aimed at the frontline people, but also the people behind the scenes, answering calls. Organising logistics and supporting the people we see every day."

Maybe they're taking the piss?

(my bold)

"The Awesome Movement is to show our appreciation to everyday heroes, the people that show up when we are at our most vulnerable and need help the most. The people that risk their lives to save others and people who dedicate their lives to care for us all.

The movement is not just aimed at the frontline people, but also the people behind the scenes, answering calls. Organising logistics and supporting the people we see every day."

Maybe they're taking the piss?
Thanks - I wasn't really up to googling it - following the link at the bottom of the notice.

A few questions.
I wonder where their money comes from?
If they are "official" I wouldn't have thought they would be allowed to promote Boris like that?
If they aren't official, I wouldn't have thought it legal to go plastering the streets, especially in the cente of government with all those notices?
If they aren't officially sanctioned, wouldn't one be totally within one's rights to remove them as litter?
An article from The Times on the government's response to the Pandemic. Bearing in mind this is a normally Tory supporting newspaper, it is very critical of the Tories and Johnson's handling of the crisis.

Main points:

  • Scientists and epidemiologists had warned that this was the number 1 threat to security in the UK, and it was a question of "when", not "if"
  • Preparations were well funded right up until the start of the "Austerity" policy by the Tories, whereupon preparation dropped off a cliff, leaving the UK unprepared.
  • The UKGov ignored warnings repeatedly and pretended to the public everything would be fine.
  • The UKGov also failed to prepare after the pandemic was obviously spreading, either with measures for protecting the public or getting medical equipment.

The UKgov has managed to avoid taking responsibility for its policies for a decade now but this may be where the chickens come home to roost: they can't blame this on people chatting in the park.
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