Now let me seeMeanwhile
View attachment 514075

Now let me seeMeanwhile
View attachment 514075
I can only imagine he would count you as at more risk of it being serious, maybe a stint in hospital but not likely all things being equal to die from an infection. Those who have died, mostly over 70, really do have serious existing illnesses, often in themselves likely to lead to death in the not too distant future.I would consider myself a healthy 56 year old - yet I am in a high risk group for CV. Would the prof you mention consider my asthma is going to kill me anyway ? - it doesn't feel like a life threatening illness.
This is precisely the time to consider a pay rise for nursing staff. Not let it get buried in a committee for months waiting for the sacrifice and effort to disappear from public view due to the football championships or something.Meanwhile ...
After having problems with cyclists and runners passing on the pavement, from behind and FAR FAR to close and being ignored when complaining, I AM going to take to carrying a hefty walking stick which I intend to stick out horizontally on occasion - if anyone hits it they are passing too close and it is their problem, not mine
This is precisely the time to consider a pay rise for nursing staff. Not let it get buried in a committee for months waiting for the sacrifice and effort to disappear from public view due to the football championships or something.
They don't have to name a percentage, but a commitment to acknowledge the worth of nursing staff would be fine for now.
Is anyone really going and queuing across a tarmac wasteland that used to be a car park in the hot sun for an hour in Easter week for stuff they don't need? I really doubt it. I think recreational shopping's gone online.I think as a nation we are just so addicted to recreational shopping it's very hard to give up. Grocery shopping doesn't have the same appeal.
Want some doom-mongery? How about the report from Korea that folks that had it and were thought clear are now testing positive again? It'll certainly throw a spanner in the works if it turns out that catching it and recovering from it doesn't give you any notable immunity. On a positive note, I'm genuinely enjoying reading The Stand again.
They never went away in Scotland, this year going up to £10,000 a year.They should also consider bringing nurse bursaries back IMO.
They should also consider bringing nurse bursaries back IMO.
That's good news. Why someone opting for one of the caring professions should have to pay a chunk towards their own training beats me. It's not as though such a degree has to be followed by training in something else relevant to a job, as is true of many degrees.
A friend of ours back in the UK who went into nursing once the kids were older told us of the demoralisation due to insufficient staffing levels. Dangerously low in some cases, and I am glad austerity is no longer making this situation continue of even worsen.
The nurse certainly felt he accused them but he did try and explain that as long as everyone used the right ppe and the correct amount, there wouldn't be any further shortages now they are on top of the supply chain.Unbelievable just heard old Matt publicly accuse some healthcare staff of misusing PPE and maybe using more than they need.
Well that's simple Minister suspend all local protocols covering PPE , ask no better still mandate all trusts , providers ect to both provide the correct PPE guidelines as pre PHE. To all staff in all areas of care both direct and indirect for that information to be clearly displayed in all clinical and none clinical areas. To train all staff in the correct use of PPE to a nationally arranged standard by staff who are correctly trained and experienced in all levels of it's use.
Don't leave it up to employers to just do it as many just don't as good training costs money. Or as is happening they completely mess it up.
Don't expect Staff to have to go looking for the correct advice either which is what many have had to do.
Or expect Staff to tell other staff they are doing it wrong as they have been trained and the other staff member has not.
Above all Minister sort out the supply issues if you don't know how to fix it then ok.
It's not a weakness to ask for help from ones who can it's called leadership.
My eldest has been working the odd shift in a residential care home since he graduated 18 months ago. It is a good supplement to his income as a musician. He obviously has no professional income at the moment so decided to apply for care work round here and come and live at home for a bit. I am appalled that the care organisation he is starting work for made him pay £60 out of his own pocket for his DBS check given the pittance he is being paid. Apparently this is standard in the industry whilst the owners of these large care home chains are raking it in.I doubt support or care workers who work outside the NHS will have any up lift in pay, conditions or anything like that.