Legendary Member
2) The fact that death rates as only as low as they are because of the measures taken is ignored.
This is what I call "The Millenium Bug Fallacy".
People use the millenium bug as an example of hype, when it is actually an example of measures being taken. Where the millenium bug was missed, some horrible consequences happened such as expectant mothers being given false positive results for Downs Syndrome.
No-one really knows the outcome of not doing something, unless there is a control country which elects this course of action, but even then it is quite probably not a fair comparison due to different population densities, cultures and so on. The best we have are the models which can be modified to take into account different measures etc.
I think it is important to consider the effect of the measures on the economy since this will also have a big effect on peoples' wellbeing, but we cannot underestimate the impact of the collapse of the NHS under the weight of COVID victims either - this would be catastrophic for the nation's wellbeing.