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@McWobble I think the other consideration is whether other steps that will be taken will reduce the R0 sufficiently to make a dent in the numbers. Closing bars and restaurants for example, more social distancing.
What I don't understand is what is Spain and Italy's strategy? Are they hoping a lockdown stops transmission so most of the population never catch the virus or do they expect many millions to catch it and the lockdowns are a tool to flatten the curve and reduce the R0
Like you I would be concerned with a strategy to stop it in its tracks like China. We are at least 12 months from a vaccine. Can countries with high freedom of movement maintain a lockdown or semi lockdown for a year?
Good questions. I suspect that the intention is merely to reduce the outbreak to manageable proportions. The trouble is, this isn't a solution in the long run, as most of the population will remain vulnerable to this disease.
What is worrying me is not so much what's in the news but what isn't. We have heard almost nothing from Latin America, Africa, South and SE Asia. These are all areas with crowded slums - the perfect place for a major outbreak - and little to no health surveillance. South Africa has seen increasing cases and now is taking firm steps to get on top of things. This is not mirrored in rest of the continent.
My fear is that Covid-19 could easily take hold in some shanty town or favela and spread far and wide before anyone even realises. Given that coronavirus can spread without visible symptoms, it's likely that the infection would spread rapidly throughout the unfortunate host country, which would have little chance of coping, and go further, and silently, to reinfect other countries which through great efforts in containment and quarantine had dealt with their own outbreaks. I think it highly likely that many countries will have many outbreaks, not just one.
The best solution is a vaccine. An effective treatment regime might be another counter - the youtube video @marinyork linked to outlines some interesting potential treatments. An effective and simple treatment which keeps people out of ICU as well (so preventing the health services from becoming overwhelmed) as the reducing case mortality rate makes the herd immunity strategy workable. Though when I hear phrases such as "recombinant human ACE-2 receptors" i suspect that they won't be cheap...