Coronavirus outbreak

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Legendary Member
Likewise; looking for positives too - the Italy new cases trend was reducing according to the BBC yesterday; hopefully this will continue today.

Whilst this situation does need to be taken seriously my view is that social media is as bad as the Fourth Estate - it seems to naturally focus on gloom and doom which is understandable if people are concerned about their health and, probably more to the point, their immediate financial future.

I've been in touch with a number of people who are in an absolutely shocking state mentally, these are not people who I would normally see as overt worriers/panickers, and they are purely responding to all the bad news in the press. Interestingly (?) 3 of the 4 people/families who are 'in a state' are glued to rolling news feeds in their homes.

Maybe some advice should be along the lines of be aware, stay safe but do things to take your mind off of the news for at least some of the day.

Maybe CC should have a CV Good News thread although we've probably got too many CV threads already .
I've been trying to distance myself from it a bit. I agree our media seems to love to overhype everything these days.


Hello decadence
Tsk, the spa bath....
The Prof usually fills that with bottles of Sauvignon


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I know posters in here are keeping up to date with the news far more than me.

I'm not looking to begin a political debate, I simply want an answer which I can't find.

I presume following Brexit the UK is excluded from all EU actions and decisions? As a simple example EU borders are or will be closed to UK citizens just as, for example, an American or Chinese citizen?
One quietly adopted measure that I read yesterday (but can't find now - I'll keep looking ) was that the UK has been counted as being part of the EU for buying medicines through joint procurement. This appears to have been a pragmatic mutually-beneficial decision, something we've seen little of over the last few years of splendid UK self isolation. Technically the UK doesn't appear to be a signatory to the joint procurement group though and the agreement runs beyond the earliest cut off date.

Edit: I haven't found it yet but this gives the background: (though there's usually a paywall, I'd just cleared my cookies cache and the whole article appeared behind the I accept FT cookies panel.)
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Basically cereal or porridge for breakfast, sandwich or cold pasta for lunch and a ready meal for tea. Don't see the point of buying loads of different ingredients when I'm just on my own.
sounds like a distinct lack of veg in that diet mo.
Good to have lots of ingredents - variety of veg and raw materials - you can then rustle up lots of stuff.
I'd ditch the daily ready meal.
I'm no gourmet cook - I take the view that 20 mins is absolute max for cooking and much of that is stuff left to bubble.
If you cook pretty sure your health will benefit - and will be cheaper.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Likewise; looking for positives too - the Italy new cases trend was reducing according to the BBC yesterday; hopefully this will continue today.

Whilst this situation does need to be taken seriously my view is that social media is as bad as the Fourth Estate - it seems to naturally focus on gloom and doom which is understandable if people are concerned about their health and, probably more to the point, their immediate financial future.

I've been in touch with a number of people who are in an absolutely shocking state mentally, these are not people who I would normally see as overt worriers/panickers, and they are purely responding to all the bad news in the press. Interestingly (?) 3 of the 4 people/families who are 'in a state' are glued to rolling news feeds in their homes.

Maybe some advice should be along the lines of be aware, stay safe but do things to take your mind off of the news for at least some of the day.

Maybe CC should have a CV Good News thread although we've probably got too many CV threads already .

Spot on - particularly about another ruddy virus thread.

Bad news has always travelled faster than good, social media and rolling news channels have merely amplified that.
PS mo - I recommend getting a steamer - the simple sort you put on top of a pan of water.
Veg keeps for ages in a well chilled fridge.
Turnips (will give you an idea of my gourmet level) last for ages.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
it wasn't the inbound travel he was slagged of for pale rider.

Quite, he was slagged off for just being Trump by the usual suspects who bellow abuse at the mere mention of his name.

Pardon me for focussing on the message, not the messenger.

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Likewise; looking for positives too - the Italy new cases trend was reducing according to the BBC yesterday; hopefully this will continue today.




Do you not think Italy finally achieving a near total lockdown has something to do with the drop in new cases?


Cracking a solo.
sorry - am no fan of boris but you can't put the UK in the same camp as China. No comparison. In china we wouldn't even be having this exchange. And if we somehow managed it we could look forward to a knock on the door. And a bit of ever so friendly re-education.
Which is why I quoted one specific sentence from your post re alternative truth politicians/governments/states.


I thought people might be interested to know of the actions taking place in my small Lancashire village. I've removed contact details for privacy. I'm helping with the house to house leafleting later today.

Hello! If you are self-isolating, we can help!

There are numerous people living in ****** who have offered to help if you are affected by the COVID-19 virus and need assistance. This may be because you or your household are self-isolating, because people who normally visit you are now unable to, or because your job means you will now be working longer and unsociable hours for example health care workers.

We are creating a database, pairing offers of help, with people who need it.

Examples of help include:
Shopping ~ Urgent Supplies ~ Collections ~ Dog walking ~ Or even if you would just like a chat

Just call, text or email and we will do our best to help you as soon as possible

My name is ********** - I live at **********
Telephone ***********
Email ************

*** If you are not affected by the restrictions and are able
to volunteer to help in any way, please contact us ***

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
@Blue Hills @Pale Rider - thank you. The concern, well thought really, in my mind is fresh food supplies. It seems this terrible situation is going to last for a long, long time. I spent my working life in horticulture and know and understand the intricacies of moving fresh produce from production site to market. It was, for me, a main plank of reasons to remain in the EU.

We import 50% of our food, 30% from the EU, and I'm concerned about the situation in, say, 2-3 months time. Trucking tomatoes from Spain to the UK will be interesting - presuming someone picks them.

I'm fortunate to have a large allotment. I'm looking hard at my plans and how I shall vary them.

Worth remembering most travel virus travel restrictions apply to the movement of people.

Goods are specifically excluded.

Regulations around the importation of food post Brexit are still to be decided, but we continue as we are at least for this year.

The virus means the trade deal deadline may not be able to be met.

In those circumstances, I think an extension to enable a deal to be struck is more likely than crashing out.
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