Which does make me wonder whether a degree of extra social isolation works as a cure (or at least, a significant mitigation) for flu.
C-19 in all its variants is much more infectious than 'the flu' so all and any sensible actions taken to reduce the spread of C-19 - even if only minimally-effective against certain variants of C-19 - will
significantly reduce the spread of flu, and many, if not most, other airborne infections.
Obviously I am saying 'sensible' actions because wearing a radioactive necklace won't help anyone, nor will daily dosing with bleach ... yet those 'actions' have been recommended by some ---
persons --- as a means of avoiding infection ...
A neighbour of mine phoned me this morning to say she's tested +ve on LTF. I spent most of yesterday with her, helping her pin and fit a dress she's making. She's new to dressmaking. The only place she's been where she was actually in contact with strangers was to the hairdressers on Saturday. No-one was masked in the hairdressers. Damn.