If the Government decides to go ahead with setting the date for Phase 4 relaxation as 21 Jun, they will be doing so on the basis of the data available, assessed by the best brains UK has (SAGE, CSA, CMO). Some may think that the data should interpreted differently. The 4 tests have been clearly spelt out: I've shared my assessment of the likelihood of those tests being "passed" (based on a projection from current data) upthread ^^^ - to save you the effort I've pasted them below (thanks @PK99 ). Successfully, sufficiently, unsustainable, fundamentally.
Who else do you think is the best body to make that judgement?
"Only when the government is sure that it is safe to move from one step to the next will the final decision be made. The decision will be based on four tests:
- the vaccine deployment programme continues successfully
- evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated
- infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
- our assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern."
I'm sure this dispationate analysis doesn't happen in a vaccum when you have backbenchers and key elements of the press shouting OPEN Up!!