May I ask you to share on what that recollection is based? Were these the main reasons?
Certainly back in February 2020, people returning from the continent was the main conduit for virus import (rather than from China or other areas where outbreaks had been reported). But in the autumn of 2020?
I suggest that the necessary travel and attendance and new residence of hundreds of thousands of students at their new colleges/universities must be well up there as a 'main reason'.
Another 'main reason' was the emergence (didn't recognise it for some time) of the VoC variant B.1.1.7 with significantly higher transmissibility (with a fully susceptible population, unlike in May 2021 btw).
And, with moderate uncertainty, the seasonal effect of moving into autumn will have been a 'main reason' Current modelling assesses (makes reasonable assumptions) that as 10-20%.
"A back of the envelope calculation suggests that the program is accountable for between 8 to 17 percent of all new local infection clusters during that time period."
A Treasury spokesperson rejected the economist’s findings. “We do not recognise these figures – which, as the study itself admits, are ‘back-of-the-envelope’ calculations. Many other European counterparts have experienced an uptick in cases, irrespective of whether similar measures for the hospitality industry have been introduced.”