It is sad to see the vaccination programme continuing to be used as part of the Remain/Leave Brexit war. Like just about everything else people read into the statistics what they think supports their views of Brexit, and this post is no different.
I agree with you. But ... I would add a couple of things to this.
The early start of the vaccination programme was used as pro-Brexit propaganda in the UK (please sir, they started it!), and also caused ripples across Europe when it appeared the EU programme was a disaster. As Bexit was not exactly accompanied by honesty and integrity and the idea circulated the UK vaccination campaign had been aided by Brexit, which was untrue, it is difficult to resist the temptation to point this out.
None of this has been helped by inaccurate and spun press reporting. With hindsight British 'success' and EU 'failure' have both been exaggerated, though are not wholly untrue. And it did look initially as though nationalism had paid off, whereas the idea of cooperation to ensure the rich don't hog supplies had done harm, caused delays. The latter concept of cooperation is worth defending against the former, and is now paying off across continental Europe for the smaller and less wealthy nations.
What ought to be simply a medical issue has become politicised, often with disastrous consequences as seen in the USA, Brazil and a lesser extent the initial response by the UK. Populists who could not cope with the seriousness of the situation, unwilling or unable to accept expert opinion. There are
still Americans who believe the pandemic is a hoax and excuse for Big Government!