Lol - you couldn't make this shite up could you ! Unbelievable !
How about exposing the preposterous or false assumptions in what I say or pointing out my poor arithmetic, rather than just 'lolling' and 'shite'? Add value.
Is this belief another contributor to some people wanting to let the virus rip through the under 50s? Revival of the "herd immunity" mistake?
Not quite sure what 'belief' you are referring to, but pretty sure the answer is 'no'.
I have nowhere suggested that anyone "wants to let the virus rip through the [relatively invulnerable] under 50s". Which "some people" had you in mind,
@mjr? The healthy under 50s will start being vaccinated (by my maths) steadily but quite slowly from late April after the schools go back for the summer term.
In a city, say, the number of people who, because they possess antibodies, can thus resist infection is halved (on the maths I've offered). If there are only half the numbers around that are liable to infection by transmission from someone who has C19 and is shedding viral load, with or without symptoms, then
ceteris paribus the number infected will be half, on average. Is that wrong, and if so, to what extent?
If, say, 80% of people are 'protected' (vaccination or previous infection (acknowledging assumptions being made)) will that not reduce R
t even further? At some stage we surely hope to reach 'herd immunity': this summer, assuming the vaccination programme continues with its current success and the vaccines continue to be effective against any new variants. Will this be a "Revival of the "herd immunity" mistake"?