I am over 50 and I care very much.
Many over 50s care about it. I see it on phone ins and on the news. One of my former colleagues was saying on the phone they're fed up for their 17 year old granddaughter whose work hopes have gone up in smoke and can't have a life (by this she means friends and dating). We had quite a funny discussion about what it might be like for those age groups, but there were some very serious bits.
But I also see a lot where the vaccines have clearly warped peoples' perceptions and people saying things should open up because they've had/having a jab. If this forum was full of people in their teens, 20s and 30s there'd be a very different side of the pandemic talked about with some wanting things opened up, the economic side talked about far more, but also a lot others seriously unhappy about being sacrificial lambs so someone who is 50 can enjoy a pint indoors with 5 mates, or later even more, whilst someone works for minimum wage and is hospitalised or gets long covid. If there were more women on the forum they'd probably be quite a different flavour to the discussions.
It's not even the first time this has happened, a broadly similar thing happened during swine flu where those over 41 (which coincides with almost the same age group of over 50s) just got 'lucky' because they had cross-immunity whilst loads of younger people got quite a nasty illness, hospitalised or died. Except covid-19 is a lot nastier than swine flu. Why would you not expect it to happen again? I expect it to. This time there's no tamiflu (which it turns out didn't work very well anyway but what people believe at the time is important)!
Ultimately whatever age anyone is it is in everyone's interests to be as careful as possible to get cases down super low, backward tracing, vaccinations, vaccinating our neighbours such as the Republic of Ireland and helping out the third world. Otherwise we get a 3rd wave that's worse than it needs to be and those over 50s who've been vaccinated get things taken away again or stuff getting kicked into the long grass.
Many areas seem to be having a slow down, where the fall in cases has become very gradual or even going up again. A lot of the points I've made are based on the B117 cases around Christmas and how explosive this new variant is and in Israel where the cases are very high. The mutations happening anyway in this country independently of South Africa/Brazil/Califirnia/many places on earth undetected too.