An item from BBC looking at the death rates and basically saying that teachers are "not at higher risk than others", what did surprise me was the disparity between men and women, two thirds of the deaths are men, according to the article, the base source is the ONS:
Covid: Teachers 'not at higher risk' of death than average - BBC News
In 2020 in England and Wales, ONS record 84,449 deaths (date of death in 2020, with COVID-19 on the death certificate).
Of those 45% were female and 55% were male.
Edit: deleted
"The 2019 headcount of
male teachers in all state-funded schools was 121,356 which was
24.2% of all teachers."
"Among teachers, there were
18 deaths per 100,000 among men and
10 per 100,000 among women." No doubt true, but that's not the same as " [in] teachers . . . two thirds of the deaths are men" (because less than 1/4 of teachers are male).
Lies, damn lies and statistics.
Perhaps this would support the argument that male teachers should be vaccinated ahead of female teachers (of the same age and excluding other vulnerabilities). I can't see that going down well with a variety of stakeholders whatever its statistical merit.