I'm getting sick and tired of nosey parkers telling me i shouldn't be going out blah blah. Fine if they want to stop in and 'obey orders',but i need to go out for my sanity! Yes,by staying in i'm lessening the chances of catching the virus and not passing it to others if i have it but don't know, but what about my mental health situation? No one gives a shoot about me. I have to look after number one,because no one else seems to be bothered about me unless they see me going out,or hear about me going out. I knocked on a neighbours door at the start of the lock down,offering to get them stuff from the shops. How did they thank me? Well,one of them said he'd report me to 'the authorities' if he saw me out more than once a day! I wonder if these types have a portrait on their walls of some fictitious military dictator and every time they look at it they say "I love you glorious leader"! I sarcastically ask because we seem to be becoming a nation of informants and 'tut' tut'ing finger pointers. I hate to think how it'll be if/when this C19 stuff ends. I actually think some folk would like, even enjoy being run by a dictatorship! They're too thick to organise their own lives.so they'd welcome state intervention,telling them what time to get up,what time to go to bed,who they can talk to,who they can't etc etc. I heard someone on the radio the other night,saying many would welcome a police state. On hearing it i thought 'is he having a laugh'?,but these last few days have made me think he might be right!