Corona Virus: How Are We Doing?

You have the virus

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 21.2%
  • I've been quaranteened

    Votes: 19 7.1%
  • I personally know someone who has been diagnosed

    Votes: 71 26.4%
  • Clear as far as I know

    Votes: 150 55.8%

  • Total voters
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I go out after 8pm and there are others. Buy and large the elderly and vulnerable who don't want to take chances often walking Thier dog. Forcing people to all go out at the same time quite obviously makes things worse.

Maybe if your surname start A to F go out 5am until say 7am G to K 7am until 9am and so on.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Somebody on my street is using their period in isolation to learn to play the horn. Three weeks in and their repertoire seems to be awful versions of Happy Birthday, the Can Can and the Laurel and Hardy theme tune. They don't stick at any of them for long enough to actually improve. I need to lend them my book of etudes.


Seems simple to me. Either stop people going out at all or not but stopping people going out at certain times of the day seemed really pointless.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Why d you think stopping people going out after 8pm would help?

It would make existing breaches during that time easier to enforce.

At present, 'I'm going to a convenience shop' will pretty much get you out of bother, provided you are reasonably local.

Under a curfew, the streets should be all but empty during the period.
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I suppose that's a fair point. The convenience shops round here are closing early anyway. I can't quite see why someone wouldn't just be able to say they were doing Thier exercise anyway. I think the police are more on the lookout for groups who are hanging around. I still think it's counterproductive and don't think it will happen either.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
'Going for exercise' is the other one that should work.

I agree a curfew wouldn't achieve a great deal, provided reasonably full compliance continues with existing measures.

Some signs that slipped from week one to week two.

A means of reinforcing the point may be required if the restrictions continue for many more weeks.


I suppose that's a fair point. The convenience shops round here are closing early anyway. I can't quite see why someone wouldn't just be able to say they were doing Thier exercise anyway. I think the police are more on the lookout for groups who are hanging around. I still think it's counterproductive and don't think it will happen either.

Police around here are mostly at spots where people drive to to go for a walk with dogs.
There being turned around, doesn't seem to be too many and it seems calm and orderly.
Tho obviously I'm only seeing what I see during my work commute.

Mostly older people from what I've witnessed traveling too and from work on my bike.

I guess they either think it's just a dog walk or they simply don't think..

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I stopped on the 18th of March and unlike you who goes shopping everyday have only been twice for essentials. So that is it since the 18th we have only twice been in contact with others.
You're such a hero.:rolleyes:Tell me,what would you say to folk who have to catch busses to work? If their employers insist they turn up,regardless of the government's 'we'll pay 80% of your employees wages if they stay at home'.


Heavy Metal Fan
It would be safer for everyone if they didn't. The child acts as a point of contact between two households that otherwise would be isolated from each other. Precisely what the social distancing is meant to avoid.
Keeping a routine with kids, especially those with co-parents is essential imo. We take necessary precautions. My son doesn't go anywhere (apart from 30min walk for exercise with no contact with people or surfaces). If anyone in either household has so much as a sore toenail then we don't transfer our son between parents until 7 days isolation has occurred. My ex has a partner with Addison's Disease so he's very immuno suppressed. Everyone is careful. But to suggest keeping a child from either one of their parents for months on end is absurd. If you're being that strict, then people should be banned from shopping and we should all have rations dropped at our door.


You're such a hero.:rolleyes:Tell me,what would you say to folk who have to catch busses to work? If their employers insist they turn up,regardless of the government's 'we'll pay 80% of your employees wages if they stay at home'.

I salute and thank with all my heart the very brave essential workers out there, those that are making none essentials go to work are wrong, very wrong, can you give me some links to this please. I am not a hero, I am purely doing what is asked if me, now if the idiots out there all did the same.
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