Where is your evidence for this startling assertion? [autopsies carried out on patients who have died with covid show death only occurred in combination with other illnesses, usually life-threatening]
Fair question. First heard on a covid discussion program some time ago, and the claim was made by Prof. Dr. Klaus Püschel. He was (just retired) head of forensic medicine in Hamburg. Not a medical Brexiteer.
Against the initial advice of Robert Koch Institute (fear of infection) he did autopsies on corona patients in Hamburg with the support of the health authority and clinics, and the gist of his claim was that none of them had died from covid itself, only in conjunction with other pre-existing conditions, and almost all elderly. Up to September he had done 180 autopsies.
The point was not to play down the seriousness of the virus (you always get some who latch onto these things), but to reduce the level of fear amongst the general population, especially the younger and fitter. This is something we are going to have to live with for quite some time (he is dubious of vaccines) and we need a sober assessment of the risks. A return to a more normal way of life for the majority.
Having seen what the virus can do to you, he has gained some useful knowledge in preventative measures for patients who end up in intensive care.
For those who have lost loved ones, he sees no problem in seeing the body for a final farewell. There is unnecessary fear associated with this.
Hamburg does not of course represent the whole world, and research is continuing.