Dave Davenport said:
What I find odd, is how otherwise rational, intelligent people can reconcile having total 'faith' in there own specific religion, whilst knowing that but for an accident of birth they would have just as strong a commitment to a totally different one. i.e Do christians born and bred in the UK not think they'd have just as much 'faith' in buddism if they'd been born & bred in a small Tibetan village?
Good question, DD... It makes no rational sense whatsoever! To chuck in my two penn'orth (sheep's bottoms notwithstanding, see above

) can religious folk not see that the only point to all of this (life, the universe, etc)is that there is no point! That is quite a delightful propspect to me, we're simply a part of the whole process of life on this planet... we happen to have evolved a self-consiousness which enables us to question our own situation (unlike (I can only presume) other species...eg: a dog knows things, we know that we know things). Eventually, the human race will die out, or progress in evolutionary terms, and hopefully not take the planet with it. After us, life on earth will continue, and eventually, the planet will die out. Possibly, elsewhere in the universe, a similar porcess is happening (or is at some stage of happening) at the same time. Once you come to terms with this, everything makes a lot more sense

That way, contentment lies, in my view and in my experience... leaving you free to try your best to get on with your fellow humans and fellow inhabitants of the planet. Quite simple, really!
Belief in a god is (imho) a failure to come to terms with the basic idea that we simply evolved... no outside being made us. Organised religion stems from a desire to control people's behaviour, to make them think the same as you (not you, personally, whoever reads this, but those who started and continue those religions; although, there are a lot of benign religious folk who simply and genuinely want to help others, and live in peace and harmony... fair enough, I'm with you on that). FWIW, my upbringing was mildly religious, and my parents were believers, and it helped my dad when he was dying (but only, I would say, in a consolatory sense)... but for the latter reason, I will never hold anybody's religion against them, unless you try to influence my life with it in ways which I don't agree with. I also have rellies who are priests, nuns, (and a couple of vicars too, on the other side of the family). So, I will defend your right to believe, but I will not agree with you, and I reserve the right to question it and/or take the mickey!
Here endeth the lesson.