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andyoxon said:T, why does this link back to the OP, it wouldn’t seem that aggression was involved? I don’t know any of the instances, but ‘heatedly leading’ or ‘aggressively recruiting’ doesn’t seem to me to tie in with respect or the Gospel much...I not denying it can occur though. But, what is the point of someone being personally offensive or repellant? There is none. That’s not to say that in the right circumstances someone shouldn’t be able to put forward what they believe the Bible to say/their views. But insensitivity, if it happens, is arguably a lack of proper communication or consideration – but not really aggression. I suppose we can all be a bit oversensitive (British characteristic?) sometimes. When I lived in London, I regarded groups like the ‘Living marxists’, or the apparent cult “Central London Church of Christ” as fairly confrontational, but for me it seemed like a chance to discuss things, and if they felt like getting agitated, start smiling more.
I agree with most of what you say there Andy, although I get the feeling you don't really believe that the extent of those who have faith and see it as a crusade to recruit others to that way of thinking, regardless of their object's own feelings, is as great as I do. Jings what an awful sentence that was.

As for the link back to the OP, well, I see that situation as follows: A developing relationship, both have feelings for each other but one has issued an ultimatum. The ulitmatum being either come to the light or hit the highway. I see that as aggressive. Maybe I'm oversensitive though