Christianity ruins a relationship ....Alpha courses?

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New Member
andyoxon said:
T, why does this link back to the OP, it wouldn’t seem that aggression was involved? I don’t know any of the instances, but ‘heatedly leading’ or ‘aggressively recruiting’ doesn’t seem to me to tie in with respect or the Gospel much...I not denying it can occur though. But, what is the point of someone being personally offensive or repellant? There is none. That’s not to say that in the right circumstances someone shouldn’t be able to put forward what they believe the Bible to say/their views. But insensitivity, if it happens, is arguably a lack of proper communication or consideration – but not really aggression. I suppose we can all be a bit oversensitive (British characteristic?) sometimes. When I lived in London, I regarded groups like the ‘Living marxists’, or the apparent cult “Central London Church of Christ” as fairly confrontational, but for me it seemed like a chance to discuss things, and if they felt like getting agitated, start smiling more.

I agree with most of what you say there Andy, although I get the feeling you don't really believe that the extent of those who have faith and see it as a crusade to recruit others to that way of thinking, regardless of their object's own feelings, is as great as I do. Jings what an awful sentence that was.;)

As for the link back to the OP, well, I see that situation as follows: A developing relationship, both have feelings for each other but one has issued an ultimatum. The ulitmatum being either come to the light or hit the highway. I see that as aggressive. Maybe I'm oversensitive though:blush:

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Tetedelacourse said:
The ulitmatum being either come to the light or hit the highway. I see that as aggressive. Maybe I'm oversensitive though:blush:

You could be. Aggressive is when you threaten to punch somebody. What you described looks more like a lack of willingness to compromise.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Sorry: I didn't mean to suggest that its meaning was restricted to that and I didn't think of its more metaphorical use. I was focussing more on the fact that I couldn't see any aggression in what you described.

Mr Pig

New Member
Cathryn said:
I do get pretty sick of the God bashing on this forum. I don't bash other people's beliefs or what they like doing or believe.

It's not that bad, really. Over all it's a pretty resonable debate and let's face it, if we're wrong we've had a hope-filled life. If they're wrong they're screwed! ;0)


bobg said:
...A mate of mine (38 ) has recently met a woman who he really likes... etc.
Bugger, missed this topic!

I'm with those who suggested that he string her along, f*ck her, and then dump her. It sounds as though that's exactly what the prick-teasing cow deserves.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
NickM said:
Bugger, missed this topic!

I'm with those who suggested that he string her along, f*ck her, and then dump her. It sounds as though that's exactly what the prick-teasing cow deserves.

A cogently argued case, Nick. I'm going to have to take some time to absorb some of your complex, not to say, arcane arguments and get back to you on that one. Food for thought, certainly:evil:


Mr Pig said:
If they're wrong they're screwed! ;0)

If it turns out that a God or gods exist, since it is impossible to know the mind of God, it might be equally possible that you are screwed... :tongue:

Remember the old Rowan Atkinson sketch of Satan welcoming the new arrivals to Hell...? "Christians? I'm sorry, the Jews were right." :smile:

In any case, only rather primitive beings could come up with the idea of the actual existence of something as infinitely unpleasant as a place of eternal pain and suffering...
Flying_Monkey said:
If it turns out that a God or gods exist, since it is impossible to know the mind of God, it might be equally possible that you are screwed... :smile:

Remember the old Rowan Atkinson sketch of Satan welcoming the new arrivals to Hell...? "Christians? I'm sorry, the Jews were right." :biggrin:

In any case, only rather primitive beings could come up with the idea of the actual existence of something as infinitely unpleasant as a place of eternal pain and suffering...

There's a very large poker being heated to a nice glowing red ready to be shoved right up your jacksy as soon as you arrive you know FM.:tongue:


Resting in suspended Animation
I prefer the Episode in the first series of Blackadder, the third one, The Archbishop where some quick thinking is called for.

Well, let's take hell: it's not as bad as it's cracked up to be?
No, no, the thing about heaven is, is that heaven is for people that like the sort of things that go on in heaven, like uh well singing, talking to God, watering pot plants.
Whereas Hell, on the other hand, is for people that like the other sorts of things...
It has been an entertaining read this thread and one of the few long running ones that I have read all the posts on. Going back to the original question as to whether or not he should attend the course or not I would strongly encourage him to do so, not for his benefit per-say but for the benefit of the others on the course. They can be deathly dull if you all sit around and agree with everything that has been said, in fact I would think it good for many of the posters here to find one, go along enjoy a good debate / argument. And then come away understanding a bit of what makes Christians tick. Also I understand that the bible cautions against marrying a non believer, probably due to the problems it can leadto , but then we all have problems large or small in our relationships. This advice is wise counsel and not the law!

As for me, I did an alpha course in 1994 and gave my life to Christ during the course; I did not have a church up bringing but did have to attend chapel at boarding school if that could have made a difference. I started going to church because for no apparent reason travelling home from work at 9am one Sunday I felt I should go, I went and the sermon was the first of the ten steps to the good life (the 10 commandments). I felt as if I was the only person there (the place was packed), it was as if a big finger was pointing at me and a voice saying this is important you need to listen, so I did and went to find out. It is something that cannot be rationalised; it is on a spiritual level that you become a Christian in your personal relationship with God through His son Jesus. It can never be for you to gain anything materially whether that is wealth or a partner!

As for ramming it down people’s throats or bashing them with a bible demanding that they believe the same as me this is not what I am about. However if someone has a question that relates to God or my relationship with God then I tell them what I believe. Now I know I have not been asked in this instance but ……



WindyRob. Thanks for sharing that.Way back in time i began my walk with a course called Saints Alive.It has been an adventure,now 20 years on it is becoming apparent that i have work to do.But i have had to leave the comfort of a chuch that saved my life.And join another.
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