Exactly...and it wasn't you I meant!!
I do get pretty sick of the God bashing on this forum. I don't bash other people's beliefs or what they like doing or believe. If I was a muslim, you'd all be a lot more careful in how you criticised my faith there. It feels like there's total freedom to slag christianity off simply because people don't agree with it, and put me down as a poor, deluded fool.
You may think i am a poor deluded fool, you might be right. But I honestly believe that my faith makes me a better person and for the majority of christians I think their faith makes them at least try to be better people. Yes we may have views society at large disagrees with. Yes, there will be some people who thrust their views down people's throats (those people annoy and frustrate other christians as well) but most christians are just damn nice people who try to do good rather than harm and would NEVER speak about you lot in the way some of you speak about christians.
I'm off to work now, so i'm not sulking, I promise.