Chaise longue,easy chairs,recliner or inflatable Chesterfield?

Chaise longue,easy chairs,recliner or inflatable Chesterfield?

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
As some of you know,i've moved into a new flat. Well it's not new as it was built in the 1950's but it's new to me.The thing is i'm having trouble getting furniture up the tight bending stairs in the flat. I've had to leave my settee behind (donated to someone less fortunate than myself :angel:) and i've had to pay a joiner to dismantle my wardrobe and drawers then reassemble them in the new place. I'm having trouble finding a comfy seat that will go up those tight stairs. I see some nice settees only to find when i measure them that they wouldn't fit up the stairs. So this leads me to my question. As you can see,i've narrowed it down to four things that would,or might go up those stairs. I've seen a chaise longue in a soft furnishings and art shop in Accrington(yes such places do exist in this grimey former mill town). It's 5 ft 8 inch in length and not bulky, so it will fit up the stairs, It's £150 in price,which i've been told isn't bad for an original 1920's/30's one. It has a few knocks and the upholstery is a little thread bare here and there but nothing that a needle and cotton couldn't fix. Are chaise longues (check spelling) comfy though? Not only that but it's a right hand one,meaning the bit where your head goes is on the right as you sit on it. This mean that if you want to lie down you'd have to lie on your right side which isn't my preferred side. My next option is/are some easy chairs i've seen on Accrington market. They're second hand but in very good condition. Not much to say about them apart from that. My third option is the reclining easy chair my mother has in her room in the home she lives in. It's hardly been used and cost £800 ten years ago,so it's quite a good one. I don't know if it'd fit up those stairs though. It's also very heavy,so could it be carried up and i have to think about the cost of transporting it the 38 miles over here.My last option is an inflatable Chesterfield settee . The downside of one of those would be the sweaty bum affect of sitting on plastic and i'd have to be careful when sewing anything, not to put my needle in the thing as i tend to do when sewing items..
Which would you go for? My head tells me the easy chairs,as they're practical. But that's it,just practical,whereas my heart says the chaise longue because it looks so classy and would fit in with my art noveau/art deco/gothic theme i have in my flat.
Please help me decide.:okay:
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Lover of things that come in 3's
Stripey canvas and wooden deckchair, easy to shift and store and cheap, added benefit of making you feel like you're always on the holidays of your, win.
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Seating units that push together and which don't have arms will easily go up narrow twisty staircases. Some of them even open up to become sofa beds.
I've looked at those but they seem to be very expensive. I put that down to the manufacturers knowing that there are desperate people out there who have little choice but to buy such things.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
[QUOTE 5031771, member: 45"]Go to Manchester Ikea. They have some very comfortable furniture which comes boxed so will fit up the stairs, and within the kind of price you're talking.

Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member


Legendary Member
£250 and nothing above! I've spent too much on this place already! I've found this.
Very nice but not very practical wouldn't you say?
Completely pointless - look at Ikea as said

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
[QUOTE 5031771, member: 45"]Go to Manchester Ikea. They have some very comfortable furniture which comes boxed so will fit up the stairs, and within the kind of price you're talking.[/QUOTE]
..... look at Ikea as said
Please don't send him to Manchester Ikea. He might find he likes civilisation and decide to stay.......


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Some modern chairs dismantle. You need to ask wherever you are looking, as something that looks as it it will not fit up stairs might actually do so.
Two elements of our settee and two chairs recline. The backs can be removed from both the chairs and the settee and the settee base divides into three.which just clip together. - They wouldn't have fitted through the front door otherwise.
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